How you meet part two of a different AU some different people

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Different AU from this point on


I am the sister of Cisco Ramon and today we are working with a man named Barry Allen. He is needing help to learning about his power. I was walking into the lab when I met Barry. He was shirtless.

"I'm so sorry!" I said turning away

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"I'm so sorry!" I said turning away.

"It's fine... I'm Barry Allen." He said.

"I'm Y/N Ramon.... Cisco's sister." I said laughing.

"You can turn around now."

"Sorry." I said turning around.

"It's fine and it is nice to meet you Y/N."

"You as well Barry." I said laughing.

Leonard Snart

My brother is Mick Rory and he has been trying to have me help him with crimes.

"Mick I'm not gonna help you I have a job." I said smiling.

"Oh come on sis help me and my friend." He said smiling.

"If she doesn't wanna help us Mick she doesn't have to." A man said walking up to me.

" A man said walking up to me

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"Who is he?" I asked curious.

"Leonard Snart its nice to meet you Y/N." he said smirking.

Mick Rory

I am Cisco's sister which means I am a target for his lovely enemies. Today I got kidnapped by Leonard Snart Aka Captain Cold.

"So what do you want from my brother today." I said smiling at him.

"I need a new gun." Leonard said sitting in front of me.

"Okay I'll call him." I said as I grabbed the phone and called him.

This is our normal thing I get kidnapped and call Cisco. I don't know why I don't have Snart on speed dial I mean he kidnaps me almost every month.

"Who is the new guy?" I asked looking at the guy with muscles.

"Who is the new guy?" I asked looking at the guy with muscles

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"I'm Heatwave you can call me Mick Rory though." He said checking me out.

"Nice to meet you Mick Rory." I said smirking.

My brother then came and made the gun and took me home, but not before I sent Mick a wink.

Eobard Thawne

I am the older sister of Barry Allen. I have been working under Harrison Wells for about five years. Today he had me be the only one working.

"Sir why am I the only one working today?" I asked curiously.

"I need to tell you something that you can't tell your brother or anyone else." He said rolling his wheelchair through the hall.

I followed and we stopped in front of the hall way wall. He leaned forward and touched it allowing it to open up revealing a solid white room.

"This is amazing!" I said walking in.

"My name is not Harrison Wells he died the same night as his wife..... my name is Eobard Thawne and I am from the future." He said standing up and changing his appearance.

"So who am I in your future?" I asked curiously

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"So who am I in your future?" I asked curiously.

"Your the whole world my dear." He said changing back and getting in his wheel chair.

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