3 - entrance

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My name is (l/n) (y/n). I am 16 years old. I have three brothers and a sister, all four being older than me. I have the Quirk "水", or mizu. Water. Become frozen, be encased in it and drown, burn to death in boiling liquid, steam-burn... water is one of the most versatile and ever-changing elements that exist, and that's just listing ways you can die from it. What about its uses, its forms? It's truly wonderful (or I'm just being conceited, but whatever).

And it's just so happened that I've harnessed, no, been granted, its powers.

What's wrong with me? What, are you curious? No, sorry. If I were you, I'd be curious as well. No excuse. The thing is..



I don't speak, I can't speak, I won't speak. Say what you will.

Voluntarily mute, if you don't quite buy it. Simple, right? But it impedes so much of my daily life. If someone asks or tells me to do something, what should they expect? I won't say anything in reply-- whether it's to refuse or acknowledge my obligation. It would've been horrible to own a dog too-- just imagine having a furry little buddy but not being able to communicate with them vocally. Sure, I've definitely had many situations where I was severely tempted to speak out and break my own silence.

But as soon as I open my mouth.. I just.. remember Mother and Shouto's crying...

how I had spoken so fiercely,


what happened next was just enough to make me close my mouth and stop trying to justify myself.

My father had insisted I be taken to a psychologist once-- who could have thought? The truth behind it was that he was worried about his then ever-changing reputation.

"Endeavor-- oh, yeah, he's the second greatest hero in the world; I hear he's really intimidating too!"

"Ah, really? But I hear he has a mute child. That's horrible..."

The therapist explained that at a young age, these kinds of things do happen, and to an extent, they can probably be considered normal. There are chances that I might be traumatized for life. In other words, mute for life. That enraged Endeavor. It really did. Subsequently I am now here, trying to prove my "worth" to that old geezer in other forms of talent. And what does that mean?

Becoming a hero. My biological father supposed that a mute hero is better than a mute "good-for-nothing" girl. And so I am here, whether I like it or not.


I stared back at Purple-Haired Girl-- I mean Jirou. I waved my hands in front of me wildly. I'm sorry, this is a lame excuse, but in this day and age, there really is no real logic, is there? I pointed to my mouth and formed a little puddle of water from my outstretched palm. Suddenly all the excuses I've used before are all blank in my mind.

She stared back at me confusedly, tilting her head to the side (Wow, her hair is so straight and clean-cut at an angle, her tilting her head is so cool! Wish I had hair like that). "You.." she started. "Is it something to do with your quirk?"

I nodded enthusiastically and pantomimed for a pen and piece of paper. Hey, I can probably further back up my reasons for not speaking. Something about using up condensation in my body for my quirk so I'd rather not dehydrate easily? I think that makes enough sense--

Before I could "explain" myself completely, however, a stocky, glasses-wearing student rose onto his feet and called for attention, interrupting any side conversation that was caused by Jirou-san's performance. At once a spotlight was directed to his location. "Excuse me," he exclaimed boldly. And he spoke about an unknown fourth type of robot and criticized that green-haired boy for incessant mumbling(I feel so sorry for not feeling even slightest sorry for him). I wasn't exactly paying attention. I bit the nail of my thumb and sat forward, propping my elbows on my knees.

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