Silver Blade turns over a new leaf?
For those of you who haven't watched the latest episode of The Arrow, be warned. Silver Lining aired last night and it had people going insane.
The episode opened up to a gunshot and a woman with red hair fall backwards. Originally lot of people believed it was Lyla Diggles new assistants death since the woman wore all black, but this was corrected later on.
The episodes plot was mainly the Arrow working on hard on finding out how to make things right with Silver Blade who had been wanting to kill him for over 19 episodes now. The arrow team paid their respects to Roxy's sisters grave, they offered an alliance with the semi-vigilante.
Roxy has refused any offer the Arrow Team offers, wanting revenge for her sister. The pain of watching the girl she practically raised pounding her every moment.
But that's when the surprise visit from a time traveling pyromaniac surprises everyone."Wanted revenge on a man people think of as a hero? Been there" -Mick Rory (Heatwave)
After the visit from the pyro, Roxy finally comes up with the perfect revenge. During a rather large heist that the McJaggets crime family had started, Silver Blade swoops in and helps Oliver and Dig defeat the evil family.
But the eldest son wouldn't have it, aiming a gun for the man in the green hood. The gunshot echoed, but what really caught everyone by surprise was the person who took the bullet.
Roxy was jolted back by the gunshot and began falling, it was the scene from the beginning. She fell to the ground at the feet of the Arrow.
Dig disarmed the eldest son, locked him in handcuffs and turned to see Oliver holding the almost limp body of Roxy. (Real brother-sister moment here).
As the Arrow and Spartan raced to get the girl to the arrowcave, she began coughing up blood. Oliver tried to stop the bleeding.
The girl reached out for the man who watched her sister die in her arms, smiling she said; "Consider this payback"
She went limp.
The rest of the episode was Oliver going on about the stupidity he had. She wasn't ever going to harm him, or hurt his team, she was just going to make them stronger.
After a heartfelt talk with Felicity, the camera angles at Dig and Lyla who were walking with a redheaded girl up a hill.
At the very top was the waverider, the time ship that the Legends use. Standing infront was the legends themselves."Glad you could come, Miss James" -Rip Hunter
The camera pans infront of the girl, non-other than Roxy James. Her Silver blade suit redesigned to reflect her changing of mind.
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