Chapter 12
Harry’s POV
As soon as Will hung up, I took my phone away from my ear and opened my messages to text Louis.
Interview and Concert tomorrow. I’ll fill you in when you get home. – Harry
Ok. Thanks :) I’ll be home in half an hour – Lou
I smiled at his cheerful message before locking my phone and snuggling back into the couch.
The Day After
I woke up to a cheerful voice chirping around me.
“Wake up Harry!” he said, sounding almost as if he was singing it. I groaned as he pushed open the curtains suddenly, letting the light stream through into my bedroom.
“We have to go in half an hour! Get up,” he said, more aggressive this time. I had filled him in about the details of the interview today, last night after he had gotten home from Eleanor’s. It was odd. Usually when he spent time with Eleanor, he’d be all happy and chirpy but when he came home, when I asked him how Eleanor’s was, he just mumbled a small ‘good’ then changed the topic.
“Ugh. I’m up,” I said, pushing my covers off me before realising I was sleeping naked like I usually did. I quickly brought the cover back over my naked body while muttering a quiet “sh*t” to myself but I wasn’t quick enough. Louis had turned around just as I was taking the cover off myself and was now staring down at where my crotch was visible before being covered. His cheeks were dark red, he was shifting nervously from one foot to another and his eyes were still fixated on my covered crotch.
“Um…. Louis?” I asked, awkwardly. “Louis?” I asked again when he didn’t move. “You done admiring my dick?” I said louder, finally causing him to move his eyes away from my groin.
“Um… Sorry,” he said.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were actually gay,” I said to him, slightly annoyed. He fidgeted a bit with his hands.
“I’ll just leave you to get ready,” he mumbled quietly before leaving my room and closing the door behind him.
Once he was out of the room, I pushed my blanket off me, pulled on a pair of jeans and a top, running my hand through my hair and quickly brushed my teeth, making it downstairs in a record of 5 minutes.
I quickly ate a piece of toast, had a quick drink of some orange juice before looking around downstairs for Louis. It was about 5 minutes until the car was coming to pick us up.
“Louis?” I yelled out, wondering where he was. I walked around downstairs before walking upstairs to his bedroom. I pushed the door opened slightly to see him pacing around his room.
“Louis? The carpet’s going to burn soon,” I said, pushing the door further open. He jumped a bit as I startled him.
“Harry. When did you get there?” he asked.
“Just then,” I said to him. “The car’s coming in 5. Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah. Coming,” he said, grabbing a beanie off his bed side table before following me downstairs.
It was awkward.
“Harry? Can we just forget what happened this morning?” he asked me.
“Yeah sure,” I said, before there was a knock on the door.
“You guys ready to go?” I heard Liam say through the door.
“Coming!” I yelled to him. We quickly headed to the door and opened it, heading to the car quickly to avoid being seen by the paps.
The car ride there was silent on mine and Louis’ part. The other boys were cheerfully talking away but the whole trip, Louis and I were silent.
“You two better start talking to each other. That’s not going to be very convincing,” Liam said to us when we’d gotten inside the building and to our change room.
“One Direction? You’ve got 3 minutes until you have to be on!” one of the stage managers called out. I sighed and turned back to fixing my microphone onto my shirt. Once I’d gotten mine on, I looked over to Louis and saw he was having trouble putting his on.
“Ugh! This damn microphone,” he said, almost chucking the microphone onto the ground in front of him.
“Here let me do it,” I said to him. I walked over and he handed me the microphone. I quickly fixed it onto his shirt and turned around to go back to my bag and have a drink but I stopped when I saw Niall, Liam and Zayn staring at Louis and I.
“Um… guys?” I asked them.
“You helped Louis,” Zayn said, shocked.
“Yeah so?” I asked, confused.
“You hate each other. Why would you help him?” Zayn asked.
“Means we get on stage quicker and get off quicker. Less time spent pretending I’m in love with him,” I said, although as soon as the words left my mouth I felt guilty, like I was either lying or being rude to Louis or both.
Before Zayn could reply, the stage manager came back and ushered us to the side of the stage.
“We’re in for a treat today! First we have a certain global sensation coming to be interviewed and then we get a special concert! This global sensation will be performing two songs for us today. Live while we’re Young and Kiss You. Yes. I think you all know who our special guests are today. Please welcome, One Direction!” the interviewer announced. We walked onto stage, Liam, Niall, Zayn then Louis and finally me. We sat down on the couch but the couch was so small that we all couldn’t fit. Louis sat down and then pulled me down on top of him.
The crowd burst out in aww’s as his hands wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder.
I turned to him and smiled.
“Aww that’s so cute!” the interviewer said, smiling at us. She went through the general questions like how the tour was and plans for the next album and such and such before finally getting to relationships.
“So Larry Stylinson is going strong I see,” the interviewer said, turning to us once she’d asked Zayn about Perrie, Liam about Danielle and Niall about being single.
“Definitely. I don’t think I could ever get enough of Harry. We haven’t said it yet but I feel like this is the perfect time to say it. I love you, Harry,” Louis said, looking me right in the eyes. I couldn’t look away. My heart was pounding fast and my stomach fluttered.
“I love you too, Louis,” I said to him, turning around and leaning over so I could kiss him on the cheeks.
“Aww. I’m so glad we could share that moment with you. You two obviously really love each other and I’m sure everybody here agrees. Have you two gotten any hate?” she asked.
“A few hateful comments here and there but I don’t think that those people have experienced love because love is amazing and it doesn’t matter whether it’s between a guy and a girl or a girl and a girl or a guy and guy, love is love and I have never experienced such an amazing feeling. I’m so glad I fell in love with Harry,” Louis said, smiling at me. I looked into his eyes and all I could see was love. There was absolutely no sign of him thinking about Eleanor and feeling guilty or lying so that we were convincing. Was Louis telling the truth?
“Uh. I think said Louis said it all,” I said, still looking at Louis. I reached down to where his hands lay around my waist and entwined our fingers, resting them on my waist.
We went through the rest of the interview like that.
“Well now we’re going to have a quick ad break and then we have a very special performance,” the interviewer said, closing the interview up.
I got up off the couch and held out my hand to Louis, pulling him up.
Once the ad break was up, we positioned ourselves on stage and began singing Live While we’re Young. Every time we got to “tonight let’s get some,” Louis would turn to me and wink, causing me to trip a little over my words, hopefully not noticeable. I don’t know why Louis was having this effect on me.
When it got to Louis’ solo, I watched as the vein became prominent on his neck, watching in admiration as he effortlessly sang his line. His voice sounded perfect, angelic even. He reached the notes easily and made them sound amazing.
I felt a sharp nudge in my side and looked up to see Liam. He was singing. I was supposed to be singing. Crap. I quickly bought the microphone to my lips and joined in singing.
Once Live While We’re Young was finished, the music to Kiss You started up. During my solo, I could feel Louis’ eyes on me.
As we neared the end of the song, Louis came over and swung his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.
“And let me kiss you,” I sang, and then I felt Louis’ hand come up to my cheek and turned my face to him.
“Go ahead. Kiss me,” he whispered and all I could do was comply.
A/N ANOTHER LARRY KISS!!!!! :D What did you guys think of this chapter? Sorry it took a while to update. I started uni this week so I’m still getting into the whole swing of it so didn’t really have time to update but I hope this chapter makes up for it! Vote, Comment, Share, Follow :D