Chapter 7: Ervy

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     Zach jumped into the water. Kayla fainted and was sinking fast. There were Bloodlings swimming towards her.
He took out the machete and started killing the Bloodlings that were about to bite Kayla.

Outside the water, it was Ervy and John's turn to cross the bridge.

       The bridge was shaking due to all the fighting underwater. Zach was nearly out of breath. Kayla was sinking and sinking. Zach swam towards Kayla as fast as he could since the other Bloodlings were far away. There were 5 Bloodlings swimming towards them. Zach with all his strength swam faster and faster. He manage to grab Kayla's hand and swam upwards.

   Ervy stepped on the bridge first and John following behind him. The bridge was shaking, a lot. The five Bloodlings were getting closer and closer to Zach and Kayla.
      One of the Bloodlings kicked the bridge.
The bridge broke into two pieces and Ervy fell into the water where all the Bloodlings.

"ERVY!" shouted John.

Zach pushed Kayla out of the water.
"Grab her!" shouted Zach to Will.
Zach jumped back in to save Ervy.
Unfortunately, it was too late.
A Bloodling has already bitten him in the neck.

Zach swam back up and got out of the water, soaking wet.
The water started to turn red because of Ervy.

"Oh my god." said Renee from the other side of the lake.

"WHAT HAPPENED IN THERE?" shouted Dan from the other side.

"What exactly happened in there?" asked Will with a sad voice.

"It was too late. He was already bitten." Zach was panting. He sat down on the hard ground.

Will sighed and wiped his face.

"She's not breathing!" said Alice who was trying to wake Kayla up.

Zach sprinted to Kayla.

"Shit. Kayla, Kayla!" Zach was shaking her.

Kayla woke up, coughing water out.

"Thank god. Are you okay?" asked Ally. (Alice's sister)

"What happened?" asked Kayla who was still coughing.

Zach hugged Kayla.
"I thought I lost you."

Taylor, who was sitting on a stone rolled her eyes.

Kayla laughed. "I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry for leaving you just now, I panicked! I should've fell too." said Alice.

"No, no, it's okay, really." said Kayla.

"Here dry yourself up." Will passed a shirt to Kayla.

"Hey! What about us? How are we gonna cross?" shouted Yen from the other side.

"How are we gonna do this?" asked Taylor.

"Half of our group is on the other side because of you!" Taylor shouted at Kayla.

"Are you kidding me? Aren't you the one who 'accidentally' kicked the bridge?!" Alice shouted back at Taylor.

"Are you se-" Taylor was mad.

"ENOUGH!" shouted Will.

They both went silent.

"YOU GUYS MIGHT HAVE TO SWIM OR GO AROUND THE LONG WAY!" shouted Will to Yen that was stuck on the other side.

Suddenly a herd of Bloodlings appeared behind Yen, Dan, Renee and John.

"BEHIND YOU!" shouted Kayla.

Yen and the others started shooting.
But there were just too many.

Yen and Dan ran to the left while John and Renee to the right.

It was chaos.

The Bloodlings started swimming towards Kayla and the group.

"Start shooting!" said Will.

Zach passed a gun to Kayla.
"Here. Your backpack sunk to the bottom of the lake with all your weapons." said Zach.

"Damn, really?" Kayla smiled.

"Yeah." He smiled back.

Taylor took out her shotgun and started shooting.

Ally stayed behind Will while Alice took out her gun.

Kayla started shooting at all the Bloodlings in the head.
She managed to kill 24 Bloodlings out of probably a 50

"Wow." said Alice.

"We should run, there's too many now. You don't wanna waste your bullets." said Kayla.

They kept their guns and started running deep into the forest.

It was getting colder.
"Why is it so cold?" asked Taylor who was running next to Will.

"Just keep running!" said Zach.

A/N:  thanks for reading!

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