Creepypasta: 24 Hours with Masky
Levi's POV:
I was walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, after having a big fight with my parents, shouting that I would not be coming back. They were trying to change me, even though I was a senior in high school and perfect capable of knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Too bad my pride blinded me from the truth of my parents words, however wrong it was for them to voice them. I sighed heavily, placing my headphones on my head. I always carried them with me. Music always calmed me and washed away the stress of the reality around me. 'Levi, you are an idiot.' I told myself. As Duality from Set It Off, started to play, from the headphones. The wind ruffles my blonde hair that wasn't trapped under my headphones, causing me to shudder and zip up my jacket.'I should go home and apologize.' I told myself, passing a black van.
I was so caught up in my thoughts. It never occurred to me that something was wrong. My headphones, covered up the too quiet street. That when I felt arms grabbed me, and a bag being thrown over my head, I barely had time to react, blindly throwing my fists out, hoping to connect with something in my struggle. I could vaguely tell I was surrounded. 'I'm not getting abducted without a fight, you bastards!' I fought and struggled, trying to make as much noise as I could. Somehow, by some miracle my fists connected with a jaw. My silent achievement was rewarded, by my own face receiving a hit. That punch was enough to shake my brain, giving my abductors enough time to pin me. I felt a prick on the inside of my arm, and before I had time to do anything, my eyes against my own will began to close. "That's.... cheating." I mumbled, as sleep won the battle.
Chapter 1
Levi's POV:
I was use to waking up alert, and well rested in my room, to the sound of my alarm clock, that I have thrown so many times against the wall it was amazing it still worked. However, this time felt different. I opened my eyes, and everything looked blurry and too bright. I couldn't focus, even blinking my eyes trying to clear them, proved to not work. I shivered slightly. I was cold. 'I hate waking up cold.' I though groggily. I lifted my hand up in front of my eyes trying to block the too bright, blinding lights that pierced my vision. That seemed to help a bit. My eyesight was beginning to clear up, and things were beginning to take shape. My brain still felt like jelly though. My limbs felt numb too, with pins and needles running through them, like they had been asleep.
As the fog in my brain began to clear, it seemed my hearing had decided to come back. I could faintly make out a beeping noise, but it didn't sound like my alarm clock. Looking at the hand shielding my eyes, I could see a clip connect to one of my fingers. This confused me. The wall beyond my hand was too white and clean. Unlike my bedrooms.
'This isn't my room.' My brain finally concluded. Good job brain. Now lets see if we can figure out where we are.
I tried to sit up, fumbling at first, like seriously every muscle in my body was asleep. I was in a white gown, with wired attached to my chest, it felt like they helped restricted my movements even more. The wires all lead to a machine, that stood beside my bed, even the clip on my finger was connected to it. 'Monitoring my vitals?' I concluded. Maybe? Blankets covered my lower half of my torso. This all reminded m e vaguely of a hospital. 'Am I in a hospital?'
I began to panic. Why was I in a hospital. I had to take a few minutes to calm my breathing. Trying not to tire myself out. I felt so tired and I had just woken up.

Creepypasta: 24 Hours with Masky
FanfictionLevi was just a typical teenage, who is obsessed with his music and headphones, out for a walk one night after arguing with his parents. Till he was kidnapped and placed in a room with a strange guy, who calls himself Masky. Can he trust this guy? O...