My nerves have been at their highest point all day. It's not like this is even the first time. I just had a feeling that this one will be different. I was full of nerves but my excitement was just as bad."What's got you bundled up in emotions?" Akane asked, startling me as I looked up at her after our last class of the day.
I tried to mask my big grin with a calm face but found it hard to do so. "Nothing much." I mumbled.
She hummed and nodded her in 'understanding' but we both knew it was something. "Well it sure doesn't look like nothing."
"Okay, it's something." I sighed. "But I'm not telling."
She watched me for a second or two before bursting out in laughter. "You sound like a child right now!" She hit me on the back as she tried to control the chortles that left her mouth.
"Hey, Akane!" Called the biggest baddest one of them all.
"Nekomaru! Hey come see this." Akane called back, still having the slight laughter in her words as her shoulder shook.
Okay. He's not exactly a bad guy. He's just a bit intimidating. He looks mean and as though he would be able to end you with a poke, but he's actually very kind person.
He sauntered over to us with a big friendly grin spread across his face as he approached Akane. They got along quite well and it wasn't even fazing since they both enjoy exercise and whatnot.
"Yo! How have you two been today?" He asked brightly, and full heartily.
"Hmm, pretty good." I said as I tried to calm down the bottled up feelings that swirled in my stomach.
"He's feeling more than pretty good." She laughed. "He's been bouncing around all day. I tried asking him why but he just replied with stuff like 'it's nothing'." She mimicked.
He studied me for a second as if he was trying to figure out the reason. "Do you need to po-"
"No!" Akane and I both yelled at the same time. I sighed in relief, glad that I didn't have to hear the rest of that sentence.
Akane and I both looked at each and a smirk formed at her lips. "I think he has a little secret." She said, winking at me.
"What? I do not." I said as I crossed my arms in fake frustration. My emotions were not stable at the moment.
"I haven't seen Komaeda in a while." She said thoughtfully. "How is he?"
I flinch a little as she hit the nail on the head, but quickly covered it up with my oblivious act. "What makes you think that I've seen him?" I asked.
"I didn't say that you've seen him. You could've just that you haven't heard from him." She giggled. "Just as I thought."
"What do you mean?" I scowled.
"You're seeing him today." She beamed in excitement. My stomach swirled a little as the words left her mouth.
Of course I was seeing him. I wouldn't be in this flustered mess otherwise.
"N-no I'm not." I replied, looking everywhere but her.
"Sure you're not." She patted my head in understanding. "But hey, I'm leaving now. See you soon! Have fun!" She chuckled as she and Nekomaru left the classroom.
I huffed in reply, even though they were already out of sight. I have a feeling that everyone already knew about Komaeda and I. This'll be fun.