In Pain,I'm Screaming In Pain,
How Can You Stay The Same,
How Can You Remain Unchanged,
I'm Still Broken,
Your Still Fine,
I Gave You Everything,
I Guess It Wasn't Enough,
In Return Stabbed Me In the Back,
You Keep Reopening the Wounds,
Though I've Sown Them Shut,
Why Can't I Cut You Off,
I Try But It Always Ends The Same,
Your In My Heart Again,
But Now I Can't Hold It In,
I've Come To Realize,
I Love You Though,
You Don't Feel The Same,
These Feelings Can't Be Slane,
No Matter The Blade...

Ravey's Poetry.....
PoetryThis is just a book full of poetry I write, warning content may be upsetting to some users. Every word I have typed in here or will type comes from my personal thoughts and emotion. Not a single line of my poetry is copyright, its all my own. WARNIN...