Mood: Happy!
Favorite Shipping: Amourshipping
Question: What's your favorite Shipping?
Message: Hello people! What's your favorite Shipping? I ship Amour! I also ship contest and pearl, but mainly amour!Pokemon Shipping, by the way. If you want, you can tell me a non pokemon Shipping you like! So here are the choices!
🌸 Amourshipping
🌸 Pearlshipping
🌸 Contestshipping
🌸 Pokeshipping
🌸 Advanceshipping
🌸 Egoshipping
🌸 Negaishipping
🌸 Ikarishipping
🌸 Twinleafshipping
🌸 LennyShipping
🌸 Shippings that I didn't mention.
Question: What's LennyShipping?
Answer: It's a great Shipping (my opinion) me and my friends made! You don't have to like it, but I love it! It's LennyxPenny. Most of the credits for making LennyShipping goes to my friends!
Anyways, comment down below your favorite shipping! My favorite shipping is Amour, please respect my favorite and I'll always respect your favorite! You don't have to agree, by the way. Bye!!!