~ Louis' POV ~
Harry just walked out of the room like nothing happened, like he didn't just scream harsh things at me.
I guess I should've seen it coming right?
The whore never gets anything in the end huh?
I never thought that someone really wouldn't want me, usually people are always all over me. But Harry's not like that.
I'm not gonna pretend that hearing him call me a slut didn't hurt because it did. Is that what people really think of me? I mean Harry just met me today, and he thinks I'm a giant slut. What do people who actually know me think then?
My eyes start to water thinking of what people must think of me.
Gemma walks into the room and notices that I have tears in my eyes.
"Tommo, what's wrong? Is everything ok?" Gem says.
"Answer me truthfully Gem when I ask you this okay Gem?" I say.
"Yeah sure Lou" She says.
"Am I that much of a filthy slut, for people not to like me?" My voice cracks.
"Is that why nobody ever wants me? Because I'm just a slut people use for pleasure?" I ask.
I hear Gemma gasp.
"No Lou, thats not true at all love! You're not just some filthy slut. You're way more than that Lou. You're one of the sweetest most funniest people I've ever met in my life. Lou I couldn't think of a better best friend to have than you. Just because you sleep around a little doesn't mean you're a heartless person or a slut. Louis you can't think lowly of yourself, you're wonderful. Okay?" Gemma tells me.
I sniffle a little. "Thanks for that Gem, you really are the best friend someone could ask for. I love you"
"Love you too Lou, don't forget that okay?" She says.
"Ok...well I'm gonna go Gemma. See you tomorrow maybe. Bye!" I say.
I walk past Harry's room and stop to think about what he said earlier to me.
I really hope he doesn't actually think of me like that, because he seems like a cool person that I want to be friends with.
I mean I know I might've come onto him a little strong, but it's just who I am. My flirty side is how I make friends, I'm not the most confident person when it comes to talking to people. So flirting helps me be confident. I guess not everyone will like it though.
Harry's door is shut and there's no noise at all. He's probably sleeping.
I'm about to walk away when I hear a noise in his room.
I put my ear to his door and hear....panting? And wait was that a moan?
Is this kid jerking off right now?
I keep listening to him til I hear something I probably shouldn't have.
I just heard Harry let out a loud mouthy moan of......MY NAME?!
Isn't Harry straight and in a relationship?
Suddenly a plan comes to my mind and I smirk.
Oh this kid doesn't know what he's in for.
Watch out Harry because Louis Tomlinson always gets what he wants, and he wants YOU!