Chapter 7: Accusations

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"Wait..  Let me get this straight.  Am I hearing you correctly?  You're agreeing with Cisco?' Caitlin asked watching Ronnie as he had explained the situation that Cisco told him.  Ronnie let out a small sigh.  "Look... Frost..  I just think that you should take it to consideration.  I mean..  I know Zoom has asked us to join him.  But he also has a whole other plan we have no clue about.  So how do we know that we can trust him?"

"We can trust him.  He needs us. He wouldn't just dispose us just like that."  Ronnie shook his head.  "And who's to say when he's through getting what he wants from us, that he won't toss us away?  How about we go on that vacation I suggested all those years ago?  Get away from this place?"  He wanted to get Caitlin far away.  As far away from Zoom as possible.  Perhaps if they left Central City, both of them would have a chance for survival from Zoom, or any other threat that may come their way.

Caitlin held up her hand.  "You're letting Vibe get to you?  And here I thought you were so much better than that.  Tsk tsk.."  She slowly starts to walk around Ronnie and studying him.  "Don't you get it Ronnie?  This is what Vibe wants.  He wants his revenge.  You do realize why he left us all those years ago right?  Because he loves me.  I'm his weakness and he couldn't stand the fact seeing us two together.  This is what Vibe wants.  Not what Zoom wants.  Vibe is trying to break us.  Because he knows we are strongest when together.  He wouldn't hurt me.  You however.  He wouldn't hesitate.  He wants you out of his way."  She stops to stand in front of him placing a hand on Ronnie's cheek.  "And I am not going to allow that to happen.."  Ronnie took a deep breath closing his eyes a moment.  "We stay together.  Just as we always have.  And we wait for Zoom's next move just as he asked.  And we will keep going on our heists.  And keep being the badass team I know we can be.  Because if we don't follow through with what Zoom wants us to do, we are dead anyways.  And I have no intentions of that happening either."

"Caitlin.."  Hearing her old name, suddenly made her become angry.  "I told you not to use that!  That's not my name!"  She hissed.  Isn't it?  She shook her head hearing the voice in her head. "I would be just fine without you.  You however, would be lost without me.  Zoom showed me what I can do.."  Are you sure about that?  "Shut up!"  She yelled hearing the voice inside her head again.

"Caitlin, you don't have to do this.."  As Caitlin heard Ronnie speaking, she refocused.  Flicking her wrist making some ice paritcles start to form.  "Don't I?"  Just as Killer Frost pulled her hand back to send a blast of snow towards Ronnie, she suddenly felt a blast towards her direction.  A blast that felt strong enough to fling her against the wall of the warehouse building and knock her out.  Ronnie turned towards Cisco surprised.  "I said that I had it handled!  You didn't need to hurt her!  I thought you said you wouldn't hurt her!"  Ronnie glared.  "Perhaps Caitlin was right, that we can't trust you."  Ronnie lets a ball of fire appear in his hand to get ready to throw towards Cisco if it was needed.

Cisco let out a small laugh.  "Is that what she told you?  And I told you.  That I would do whatever it takes to protect her Deathstorm.  Perhaps the vibe was strong enough to knock a teensy bit of sense into her.  I did it for her own good.  She was starting to get too much on her high horse."  Cisco makes his way over to Caitlin kneeling down next to her.  "She will be fine once she comes back to.  I didn't hurt her that badly."

After Killer Frost had finally come to, she realized that she had been binded and tried to loosen the ropes that had been tied around her.  "What the hell?"  Cisco smirked stepping out of the shadows.  "Well..  Well...  Killer Frost..  I thought you could do just fine on your own?  But it looks like you got yourself a bit tied up."  Cisco burst out laughing, taunting her some more.  He kept his smirk as he noticed her glare on him.  He walked closer towards her.  "What do you want?"  She hissed. "We are going to have a little chat.  And I want you..  To listen to what i have to say..."

A KillerVibe Fanfic: A Frozen VibeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin