Maya's POV.
I feel a bump and I slowly opens my eyes, What the hell!?
I stare out of the window and all I see is trees, this is a joke. It has to be!!
I stare at my mom and she focus on the road."Where the hell are we?!" I shout and she looks at me quickly before staring back at the road
"Mom?!" I shout and she sighs
"Im sorry but you are going to stay here for the summer." She says and I feel sick.
No. there are ants and things here!
She stop the car and get out. Some guy walks up to her and she talks to him for a while. I grab my sun glasses from my bag and puts them on. Im not gonna live here like a homeless person I say to myself until my mom opens my door and waits for me to get out. I stare at her for a while and then stare foward. no. this is not happening."My name is Jack " a tall man introduces himself and I nod. "Pleasure." Is all I say before I get a text.
"Dont be so rude love.
- Mr X."
I stare at the phone in shock and slowly gets out of the car.
Jack smiles big
"So, You are going to live in the Girls house and in about 30 minutes we are going to have a gathering,so com e down to the fire place when you feel ready! Oh and I send Gabriella to show you your new room" He said and walked away.
I watch him walk towards a group of.. yeah i dont even know if i can call them normal people, so I will just call them farmers. one of them starts to walk towards me, and is that a fleece jacket? hah is she living in the 90´s or something? and that hair cut? what the hell went wro-
"Hi, my name is Gabriella and i will be the one to watch after you so you dont do, hmm silly things while you are here" she says and takes out her hand,like im supposed to toutch it.
"Where is the house im gonna stay in?"I simply ask and she stares at me.
"Its the red house to the left" She says and I starts to walk towards it. I hear footsteps behind me and sigh.
When im outside the house I walk up the three steps to the front door. I open the door and tries not to touch it too much, i mean, i dont know who touched it before me!
I see some girls sitting on a couch and they are becomes silent the moment I walk in.
"Okay Gabrielle, which room is mine?" I ask and turns around
"Oh you dont have your own room, and its Gabriella. " she says and I widen my eyes, no i can not share a room with these things!
"WHAT?!" I shout and the girls laughs quietly.
Gabriella just sighs and shows me a door where its writtin on a whiteboard
"Gabi, Joanne, Amanda "
"Here is OUR room, and you get to write your name on the whiteboard" she states and I grab a pink white board pen and writes "Maya" I add a cute little heart and smiles.
Gabiella opens the door and I cringe. what the hell is this supposed to mean!? It has four tiny freaking single beds, SINGLE BEDS!!!
I ask her which bed is mine and she points to the one on top. oh great!
I turn around and walks out of the house, I starts to walk towards my moms car when someone calls my name
"MAYA!" I turn around and its that jake jack or whatever.
I fake a smile and walks towards him.
I see some people sit on some bench and Jake or jack stands in front of them. When I get there he smiles big
"Okay peeps, There is a new girl here! She can tell you where she is from, and what she wants or doesnt wants. " He says and smiles.
"What?" I ask and someone behind me coughs
"Hm okay, My name is Maya, Im from London and I really dont want to be here." I say and smile and turns around, My smile fades instantly when I see whos here.
This can not be happening!I glare at him for a while before I turn aorund and looks at the leader.
"Can I go now?" I ask and he smiles and shakes his head.
"No the other ones gotta do the same thing." He says and I sigh, Ugh.
He stands up and smirkes at me."My name is Aaron, Im from Cambridge and I want You."
He says and stares and me. Uhm EW?
I just roll my eyes and some of the boys are laughing. Then I hear someone behing me talk."My name is Niall.Im from london and I want a cigarette." I turn around fast and I see him, He is standing there with black sunglasses,A grey T-shit and ripped jeans, What the hell!?
He sees me and smirks.
"Hello Maya." He says and I turn back around.
"My name is Gabrielle, Im from Texas and I want a horse." She says and i cant help but to smile, Of course she wants a horse.
"My name is Joanne, Im from New york and I want something to drink." She says and I look at her with amusement.
Finally someone who is okay. And she doesnt have the worst taste in clothes.
I give her a glare and a small smile before some other nerds tells us about them, so lame."okay, now you may go" Jack said and I walk up to Joanne.
"You want a drink?" I ask and she nods and smiles.
I smile back and we starts to walk to our 'house'
"Hey maya!" I hear somene say and we both turn around
"What?" I ask and Niall walks to us.
"A drink I heard?" He asks and I nod, I guess I will have to get to know my bestfriends boyfriend.
"Yeah you want to come?" I ask and he nods.
The three of us walks into mine and joannes room and I open my suit case and grabs one of the Whiskey bottles. Im about to open it but joanne stops me
"Lets go somewhere else, I mean Gabi can come in any second and she will tell jack." I nod and puts the bottle in my bag.
"I know a place" Niall says and we nod and walks out, on the way out the same girls who sat on the couch.
"Niall, I really missed you! " she shriek in a very high pitched fake annoying voice.
She hugs him and gives me a bitch glare and then she lets go of him and KISSES HIM. SHE KISSED HIM.
He pushed her away and backed away
"What the hell are you doing Annie?! i have a girlfriend!" he shouts and she glares back at me
"This spoiled bitch?" she asks and Niall looks at me and grabs my hand.
"Yes,yes this is my girlfriend." He says and I just cant say a thing.
The girl stares at me for a while before she starts to laugh.
"I dont believe you." she states and Niall grabs my waist and looks me in the eyes before he leans in and kisses me,He lets go of me and backs away a few steps
"Oh and a little kiss is gonna prove it?" She asks and I finally gets my voice back.
"Oh, no, But at the end of this week, You will know, Little bitch."I say and grab niall's hand and we walk out.
"Guys what the hell was that?" Joanne asks and Niall laughs.
"That my friend, was an act" He says and she laughs.We walk until we are a bit into the forrest. I open the bottle and takes two sips from the bottle and swollow it, I cringe a bit and passes the bottle to Joanne, Whiskey is so disgusting!
Niall grabs the bottle and drinks some before he passes it on to me, After a while the bottle is almost empty and Im starting to feel drunk. Its suddenly dark out and The bitch Annie and her friends walks into the forrest and stops in front of us.
Niall who is standing next to me just smiles and hugs me from behind.
"Lets see how good your acting skills are, Princess" He quietly whispers and I laugh.
I see how Annie opens her mouth to say something and I quickly turns around and grab Nialls neck and I smirk at him before I press my lips towards his. I take one step closer to him and I feel his hands resting on my hips. He opens his mouth a bit and I feel his tounge slide against mine, he slides his hand down too my bum and squeezes a bit and I slowly back away, I give him a smile before I turn around and he grabs my hips and pulls me backwards to him.
"im impressed." He whispers in my ear and starts to leave tiny kisses on my neck and I laugh.Annie stares at me in complete disgust.
"isnt that jack? On his way up here?" Annie says with a huge grin.
oh shit. Niall grabs my hand and drags me deeper into the woods and I see Joanne run after. holy fuck this is weird. We are running in the woods like kids.
Suddenly Nialll stops and I run into him.
"Ouch!" i say and rub my forehead.
He just laughs and tilts my head up and gives me a peck on the lips and backs away a few inches but is still really close.
"You have pretty eyes" I slurr and he smiles.
"So do you." He says and I smiles and looks down.
"Guys! What the hell!" I hear joanne groan behind us and she sounds like she just ran a mile.
"Heeey!" I say and runs up to her and gives her a hug.
She just laughs and hugs back
"Hey Niall, don't touch my girl." I hear someone say and I see Aaron stand against a tree.
Oh god no.
"What?" Niall asks and Aaron walks up to him
"I said dont touch my girl." He repeats and I sigh.
"Aaron you are not my boyfriend,Niall is.So go away." I say and almost fall over a huge rock until Im in front of Niall who pulls me behind him.
"Back off Aaron." Niall states and I see Aaron clench his jaw and He is so ready to hit Niall. Holy fuck,
Shit is gonna go down peeps!
(A/N: Tell me what you think and please spread the fanfic! xx)

Everything has changed. A Niall Horan AU fanfiction. ( on hold )
FanfictionMaya Wyness, the queen bitch in her school thinks this summer is going to start as a party and end as a party, but she is very wrong. Niall Horan, one of the many 'nerds' in the school is not like everyone else and have the balls to say no. And lik...