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Following couple of days had  passed in a blur as she tried to grow accustomed with the emotionless state she was in while also regaining the control over her body. Her demon didn't seem to care for it all that much and gave it up without a fight.

Her biggest sources of entertainment had been snippets she got from Jay's mind, whenever she had broken into it. He was hurting. And it was making his mind vulnerable which meant he was mostly unable to control who could look through his eyes and listen to his inside voices.

They were mostly just screaming annoyingly at each other and they usually didn't make much sense. The only thing that his damn voices agreed on was his guilt. They all knew he was the reason Aisha gave up on her control. There was no point in denying it.

He also grew very violent in the past few days. Punching walls as he fought with himself was becoming a part of his daily routine. The dents on his greyish walls were a loud reminder of his suffering, often accompanied with reddish stains caused by his skin finally breaking under the force of his hurt as he hit the wall over and over again. She knew Alina was with him most of the time, trying to shield him from himself the best she could without making it obvious she was being his babysitter. It was the sole reason she reluctantly left his apartment at nights, letting him battle his guilt on his own. Aisha knew she should have felt bad for him but his pain nearly made her laugh with the cold, emotionless laugh she had adapted ever since the break. He killed her soul, trying to save her body.

Jay had come up with an idea so bright that it echoed in Aisha's mind too, making her freeze in her steps. He was going to talk to Caleb. Which meant she had to get to him first.

She rushed down town to see if Caleb was at home, not really considering he would indeed be at home at five a.m. on a Saturday. She was slightly worried about him being mad at her for the past couple of months she had spent avoiding him but pushed the thought aside. She needed him to trust her one last time.

"Morning sunshine," she chuckled as he groggily opened up the front door, with his bed hair and sleep still in his eyes. When he saw it was her, his jaw dropped while his eyes widened almost comically.

"Yeah you might want to close your mouth, unless you would like to enjoy a snack made from some bugs and such."

He closed his mouth, while she laughed victoriously. He was on her side. Or would be soon enough.

"Aisha ...I haven't seen you in so long. Where have you been, little one?" he finally let out, his lips forming a big smile.

"Oh, you know...I had a though couple of months. You know, with my mom and dad situation, it was hard to be around people. At least around those who knew them," she said softly, down casting her eyes in faked shame.

"Yeah... that was some shit. Are you okay now?" he asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, Cal. Thank you so much for asking. I'm feeling much better now that I'm here with you. You always provided me safety...I missed you," she said, inching closer towards him, her fingertips gently brushing against his bicep, making him swallow visibly. He made it all too easy.

"What, I'm not getting a hug?" she probed after seeing the conflict in his eyes. Taking the bait, he finally wrapped his arms around her and it felt almost like a good old Caleb hug. With one difference. This time she was not feeling safe in his arms, nor was she letting go of her thoughts, fears, pains...she was simply trying to think of the easiest way to kill him.

My demons (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now