The clock in the room knocked on the twelve rings and the table was ready for lunch that Tuesday.
Sophia had invited a friend from school, me and Carminha, and there was one more place at the table. I did not have to ask who it was, because I'd just spotted Henry's car coming.
Instinctively I made my way to the pink room, which I used to occupy when I was in the house, because since I had arrived that morning, I had not had time for myself. She would take a quick shower and could put on the black and white polka dot dress. I liked my body. The ballet classes in childhood gave me size and waist. His hair was always caught in the heat. No jewelry, no makeup. I do not know how to highlight my beauty, if I have any?
I had already showered and began to hear an argument in one of the rooms. I could not hear exactly what the couple said about where I was, but Henry's voice was altered. What could have happened to him to quarrel with Carminha like that?
The door to my room opened and Sophia came in with a start.
-What's going on Sophia? Is your dad fighting with Carminha?
-From what I heard, he said she's wasting a lot of money. And he even canceled their joint account.
-But your father is rich. Carminha could not have spent that much money." Are you sure that's it?
- I do not quite know.
- I am going there.
-If I were you, I would not mind.
-But he's yelling at her, I need to know what's going on.
As I left my room, Henrique had already left the room and, as he passed me, he said:
- Lara, do me a favor. Take your cousin to spend a few days where she wants. But when I come back from São Paulo I do not want to find her here. I'll leave that money to you for the first expenses, but just bring it back when I tell you to.
What did he think I am? My cousin was not a commodity and I would not lend myself to it. I was going to say that in his face now. Carminha appeared in the corridor and in a choked voice said:
- Please, Lara. Henry's right. I wanna go. It will be good for our marriage. Then it's only a week, is not it good?
Carminha looked at her husband very tenderly and very fearfully too.
-And Sophia? She has class I asked.
- Sophia stays with Sebastiana and at the end of the week she will meet you if you want.
-Is not Dad going to have lunch with us? Sophia had a look of victory, she seemed to enjoy this humiliation that passed Carminha.
Henrique also did not like the comment at the wrong time.
-Of course not Sophia. Do not you realize you do not have the mood for it? When I get to Sao Paulo, I'll call you.
Henrique said goodbye and left hurrying.
- Well, I want to have lunch. - said Sophia.

Mystery / Thrillerhe story takes place in Rio de Janeiro in 1962. Lara lives in the shadow of her cousin Carmen, both financially and in command of her own life. In spite of the true friendship that unites the two, Lara will have to have more attitude before the fact...