"Do you really want him here..instead of me?" Jungkook asked in a low voice. I gulped, my heart was racing like a wide animal trapped in a cage. All I could do was stare at his brown orbs, why am I feeling like this? What's wrong with me? His stare...
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"Are..are you okay?" he asked, his eyes were wide with shock. I winced in pain as he helped me stand up, "I think so" I said, "wait, lost puppy?" he asked in surprise, I just scoffed. "Are you freaking crazy? Do you really want to end up in a hospital? Where are your senses? You could've gotten run over by that car" I scolded him, he just stared at me. "I..I wasn't thinking straight" he said looking at the ground, I calmed down a bit seeing him in an emotional state. "You would have died, didn't you see how that car sped away?" I asked, this time in a more calm voice.
"I wish it just ran over me!" he yelled, "huh?" I asked in confusion as I backed up a little, seeing him get angry all of a sudden, "nothing..sorry, I didn't mean to shout" he mumbled and looked at the busy road, "It's okay" I said in a low voice. "Are you hungry? Let's go and eat" he said, I looked at him in surprise. "I..I can't" I said, "why? Don't you trust me anymore? You even came to such a dark and dangerous building with me" he said, a small smirk playing on his lips. "I don't even know your name" I said biting my lips and looking away. "You never asked" he said cockily, "urgh ok ok, what's your name?" I asked sarcastically. "Jungkook..Jeon Jungkook" he said with a small smile, "what about you, lost puppy?" he asked, "L/N Y/N" I said, "now stop calling me lost puppy".
"Okay so now that you know my name, can we go and eat?" he asked doing a cute expression, seriously is he acting cute right now?. "Fine" I breathed, "yes" he said with a smile. We were about to walk away when suddenly a black car stopped in front of us, it was the same car which almost ran over Jungkook. Jungkook looked at the car and an annoyed look over took him, suddenly a boy got out of the car and came to us, "Jimin?" I asked in surprise, "are you okay?" he asked, "shouldn't you be asking that from him? You almost ran over him" I said getting quite annoyed, "You know him?" Jungkook asked from me, I nodded. "Well he should have known, the lights clearly indicated red" Jimin said, I looked down knowing he was right.
I looked at Jimin and Jungkook, they were starring at each other like some kind of arch enemies. Right now I wish I never got in this situation, you know the feeling when you just want to disappear into thin air? "umm I think I shoul-" but before I could finish jimin pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm around my waist, Jungkook looked away, but I felt uncomfortable. "I see that your taste in girl have drastically improved kookie" Jimin said with a smirk, Kookie? Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed, then Jimin looked down at me, "but your taste in guys is so bad Y/N-ah" Jimin said smirking.
"Have you eaten yet?" Jimin asked, I shook my head in response. Jungkook let out a sigh, "cut the bullshit, she has nothing to do with this" Jungkook said, "What? No one wants you here, I'm going to take Y/N for dinner, now if you'd excuse us" Jimin said taking my hand, "but..but" I stuttered not knowing what to do since I did say that I'll have a meal with Jimin before I Jungkook. "Whatever, have fun" Jungkook muttered and walked away leaving me with him. Jimin opened the car door for me, I looked at Jungkook who was walking away, he's not even glancing back at me, and I felt a pound of hurt thud through me.
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I got in the car as Jimin walked to the other side and got in, "why are you driving? How old are you?" I asked in amuse, "I turn seventeen in another two months" he said, "what?! You shouldn't be driving!" I said, "eh I don't always drive" he said and started up the car, he smiled at me like nothing happened, we were on the road but I didn't feel good about this, I didn't want to have dinner with Jimin, not today. I just didn't like his attitude right now, it was like he was almost using me, he's so different at school. "Jimin, can you please stop the car" I asked, Jimin looked at me and stopped the car along the side of the road. "Mianhe Jimin, I don't know what happened between you and Jungkook and that's non of my business and I don't intend of interfering either, mianhe but let's eat another time" I said, he looked upset, "hmm" he hummed, I smiled and got out of the car, I felt bad at the same time.
I started walking as he drove off. I started running to the direction of where Jungkook went, as I was running I saw his familiar back walking so I followed him. I smiled to myself how many times am I following him? maybe I really am a lost puppy. I looked at the figure walking infront of me, he was looking at the delicious food places that we passed, I stared feeling really bad, he looked really hungry earlier. I fast walked next to him, now I was walking beside him, "ehem" I fake coughed making him look to the side. He looked surprised at first but then his expression changed into the same old annoyed one.
"following me again? Why don't you go back to your new boyfriend" he said, annoyance filling his voice. boyfriend? is he jealous? I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, "what happened between you two?' I asked out of curiosity, "for all I know it shouldn't concern you" he said, I sighed I just really can't understand him, now he's all that grumpy asshole again.
"So..are you still hungry or nah?" I asked, Jungkook lightened up and nodded. "Okay so let's go, where did you want to go earlier?" I asked, "come with me" je smiled brightly taking my hand and dragging me into the busy city. We finally came to a small café, as we stopped in front of the shop door, "oh it's closed" he said with a sad voice.
Just then I figured out that he was still holding my hand, "umm Jungkook" I said, he looked at me with a questioning look, I looked down at our hands as he did the same, he quickly let go of my hand and stuffed his hands into his pockets, a small shade of pink overtook my cheeks. "So..what now?" I asked, "I don't know..where do you wanna eat?" he asked, I thought for a minute.
"I could make a meal? If you help me make it" I said, "Me coming to your house?" he asked raising an eyebrow, "why not?" I asked, "are you sure?..lost puppy?" he teased. "Yah!" I whined and slapped his arm, he just laughed playfully. He's really odd, I just can't understand him, one minute he's all grumpy and emotional, next he's laughing and doing aegyo. "Sounds good" Jungkook said as we started walking to the apartment.
We got to the door as typed the password and opened the door, Jungkook stopped in the middle, "wait, where is the kitchen?" he asked scratching his head, I smiled and showed him the way. "I'll make a meal, since you practically saved my life" he said and made me sit down, I raised an eyebrow, "you can cook?" I asked in surprise.
"Yeah I used to cook for my grandmother, before she passed away so I think I can use my techniques" he said as he washed his hands, "oh, I'm sorry" I said looking at him sadly, "it's okay, I'm used to it now" he said, I nodded and smiled a bit. He started gathering everything that would be needed to make the meal, eomma had already filled the cupboards with grocery stuff anyways. I looked at Jungkook a he was so focused on what he was doing, he wouldn't even help me with anything.
"So where are your parents?" he asked, my heart gave a soft thud, as my throat became dry. "My mum is abroad" I said, "ahh what about your dad?" he casually asked while stirring the rice. I fidgeted with my fingers, silence taking over. Jungkook looked at me since I was becoming silent, "my father..he's in..prison" I said not looking at him, Jungkooks mouth opened a bit as he starred at me.
"I'm sorry I shou-" he said but I cut him off, "it's okay, there's absolutely nothing to be sorry about, he deserves it" I said, Jungkook slowly nodded and went back to cooking, "at least now you're not completely alone" he said while serving the dishes to the table. I washed my hands and sat down, "whaaaa Jungkook this looks amazing" I beemed with a large smile. He smiled back as I served myself some fried rice, we ate in silence as I looked at Jungkook as he was already starring at me.
"Is something wrong?" I asked raising my eyebrow, I was feeling quite shy and..tingly?, he smiled and looked away, I could feel my cheeks heat up, he could be really cute at times. "I just wanted to see your reaction, if the food is good or not, I haven't cooked for anyone in months" he said, I smiled and nodded, "it's delicious!" I said giving him a thumbs up. "of course it is! I was afraid you'll burn the house down so me being the gentleman, I offered to cook" he said with a grin, oh here it is again, his self loving ways. I rolled my eyes with a small smile as we continued eating.
After eating we cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen together, finishing that off we came to my room. "ahh so this is where the princess sleeps?" Jungkook teased as I just playfully scoffed. "so..let's play the question game..since we don't have anything to do" I asked, jungkook nodded and looked around my room as he came and sat beside me. "Okay..we're not strangers anymore so I guess that's a good idea" he said. "Okay I'll go first, what happened between you and Jimin?" he asked, Jungkook sighed, "and I thought you'd never ask" he said with sarcasm , I gave out a small grin.
"well..me and him have been best friends since we were toddlers, but he has always been from a better family than mine, neither of us cared about money or family status anyways, we were like inseparatable until one day..he betrayed me" Jungkook said, his voice became more softer. "why did he betray you anyway?" I asked, Jungkook pursed his lips, "I guess jealousy started rising in him" he said, I looked at him confusingly. "even though I was the one with poorer family status, I was the one who got better grades, I was the one who girls liked the most, I was the who made friends more easily" he said, "so he probably started hating me, and then our friendship was just a competition in his eyes" Jungkook looked pained, as if he was seeing it through his eyes, I patted his shoulder to give him courage.
"anyways how do you even know him?" he asked, he took my hand off his shoulder and kept it on his lap, I smiled a bit, "to be honest I only met him today" I said, jungkook's eyes widened, "YAH! I thought you knew him before, that's why I opened up about him to you" he whined, I couldn't help but let out a laugh "well at least I know what kind of person he is, and now I got to know better about you" I said smiling, "you really did start liking me since the day we met don't you?" Jungkook teased, I laid down on the bed and started at the ceiling, "hmm I might like Jimin more..maybe I should've just stayed with him" I said.
I was acting as if I was serious but to be honest I was just teasing him back. "YAH! What are you saying?" Jungkook said getting on top of me as he pinned me on the bed, I let out a nervous laugh, I wanted to get out of his grip but he was too strong. "Say it again.." Jungkook said with a smirk but I just froze under his killing gaze, my heart was racing all of a sudden, my chest raising up and down, "do you really want him here..instead of me?".