chapter 3

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Ziva pov
As me and Mcgee came round the corner we saw Gibbs standing there looking over at something.

I was confused so looked over the way he was looking and seen Tony hugging some woman and a child, what the hell? Is the only thought that went though my head.

His probably looking for another one nighter, i don't know why his on this team his a child, his unprofessional and if nothing but a stupid frat boy. Im better then him and he shouldn't be on this team.

As i get closer i scoff "Tony Leave the woman and child alone and get back to work" i said.

He pulls away and send me a glare that could match Gibbs

"excuse me" he said.

"Get back to work this is no time to look for another hook" i said glaring at the woman.

I watched as Tonys eyes harden with anger "Don't you Dare speak like that to her she is not a hooker! and you can Not order me round how about YOU get back to work Ziva!" He said.

" this is Ziva" the woman said.

I look to her with a glare.

"So You've already slept with him poor you" i said with a smirk.

"Brie leave it we need to focus on getting Mitch out safe" Tony said.

"Oh damn" i said laughing "you had a basted son with him" i laughed.

The next thing i knew my head was being thrown to the side from a hard slap.

"How dare you talk about my son like that! Your lucky my son has more worth then you or you wouldn't be standing anymore but i refuse to waste my time on a low life like you" The woman said.

I was shocked and i went to hit her back but tony grabbed my arm tightly.

"Ziva you even think about raising you hand to my wife again or disrespect her or my son again i swear to god you'll live to regret it" Tony said.

"Ziva! get back to work right now or you wont have a job to come back to" i heard Gibbs say from right behind me.

Gibbs pov
I got head over to tony when i see the woman he had been holding slaps ziva and i heard tonys words.

"Ziva you even think about raising you hand to my wife again or disrespect her or my son again i swear to god you'll live to regret it" he said.

I was shocked, the woman was his wife and he had a son in the builed with a gunman and my guess the little girl really was his daughter.

Ziva! get back to work right now or you wont have a job to come back to" i said and watched her freeze before nodding and walking away.

I send tony a look that said i want to know whats going on after this situation is sorted.

He sent me a look back that promised an explanation.

I nod and left him to comfort his wife and daughter while i went to figure out a plan to save the kids and get them all out alive.

Tony pov
Time past and nothing was heard from the gunman.

I could see Ziva still rubbing her face and the anger in her eyes.

I could tell she was gonna course trouble.

Tony I'm scared." Brie said.

I took my wife and daughter over the yellow tape and i looked over to Gibbs.

Gibbs looks my way when he feels eyes watching him and he comes over.

"With me DiNozzo time to get your boy and the other kids out of there" he said.

I watched alexa look at Gibbs and smile and him smile back at her.

Brie looks at me.
"Get our boy back and please be careful" she said.

"I will" i said and kissed her and alexa before following Gibbs.

Me McGee and Ziva gear up while i watched Gibbs grabs his snipper and come over to me.

"You wait for my mark before you go in to the class room ok" he said.

"I gotcha boss" i said.

Gibbs gets in the car and leaves while me and the rezt if the team enter the school keeping quiet.

25 minutes later
We heard glass brake and kids scream.

"His down its clear" Gibbs said in my ear piece.

We enter the class room.

"DADDY!!DADDY!!" I heard mitch scream before my arms were full with my little boy.

"Im here i got you" i said in his ear holding him tightly.

I felt someone tug at my pants and look down seeing Mitch's best friend Dylan.

"Mr Nozzo he lived with me and my mommy" he said.

My eyes widden "you knew him" i said.

He nodded "he didn't like me he said he was waitting for mommy to call before he would...he would kill me" he said as tears fall from his eyes.

I knelt down Mitch still in my arms and i moved him alittle and pick him up too.

"It's ok thank you for telling me it really helped" i said.

He nodded and held on to me and cried.

I let the teacher lead the rest of the kids safely out the school and followed behind with Mitch and Dylan.

All that went though my head was it sounded like Dylans on mom set this up and his own step down was gonna pull the trigger, it made me feel sick that a Mother could set it up to kill her own child.

♡Yay end of chapter 3 hope you like it!♡

♡Next chapter Tony has alot of explaining to do,Also Mitch is reunited with his mom and sister. There will be Ziva Bashing and Abby Bashing too.♡

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