Chapter 1~ Miss Jackson
[Panic! At The Disco]
"Most people do, join the line."
The slap that was delivered to my cheek next was so loud it seemed to bounce off the walls.
My hand instantly goes up to my cheek and starts massaging it, yet I couldn't help biting my lips a little.
"You're kind of playing into the female stereotype, punch me would ya?"
"Ugh! I can't believe I wasted my time with you! You are SUCH a douche! A, a..."
"Shut the fuck up would you? We're so over!"
"To be fair, did we even start? It was really just sex. And not very good sex, mind you."
And with that she sashes out the door.
Oh how I hate it when she sashes.
The clicking of her heels continue until the seem distant.
Finally moving from where I was, I went and locked the door before sliding down and sitting at the foot of it.
My brain was telling me I wasn't supposed to miss her, we were never going to work out.
She was known for sleeping around, and I for bullying. Not to mention her attitude and my sarcasm would never mix well.
But for some reason I regretted what had just went down; maybe because she was my only human companion, or maybe because I'd have to start getting myself off every night.
After sitting there for about 5 minutes contemplating life, I decided to take and a walk know contemplate life even more.
So I grabbed my phone and iPod and walked out the door.
If you ever stop seeing buildings while walking on what should have been a 10 minute walk, let this be a hint to turn back while you still can.
Fortunately it wasn't too dark out; the stars and moon lit up the night. It was a beautiful night.
Quite a glorious one too.
It seemed like anything could happen.
You know if weren't me; a 23 year old failure that eats ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
But then again, I'd been eating ramen before my YouTube career had started and I'd probably still be eating it long after it ended.
Perks of being poor amirite.
I pulled my earbuds out, stopped walking and checked my surroundings.
I had no idea where I was. There were streets yet only about 1 or 2 buildings.
The lack of buildings was made up in grass, for what looked like miles.
I sighed and took out my phone.
No service and I had been walking for a good hour and a half.
I opened google maps and it told me I was in New Parkway, a giant field of grass used for sports tournaments. It also told me it was approximately a 45 minute drive from my apartment.
I groaned and turned around, I wasn't walking all the way back, I'd have to get a Uber.
10 minutes later I've walked to what seemed to be a main road and was waiting for the Uber.
I check the street name for the 5th time to make sure they had the right place.
After what feels like forever, a small black car pulls up on the curb. Inside is a young man, maybe 20 with brown hair and mocha eyes.
He smiles at me and looks like he was about to speak but I cut him off,
"Yup it's me, literally no one else on this goddamn street."
I expected some sort of look of surprise on his face, I mean I had even surprised myself with how rude I'd been. But instead he kinda looked like he'd been used to it.
Without another word he unlocks the door and lets me in.
30 minutes had gone by and I didn't seem to be any closer to my house, it was starting to freak me out. I finally decided to speak up.
"Uh, I don't recognize any of these street names, are you sure you know where we are?"
Strangely I got no response from him which worsened my worry.
"Dude where are we going?"
Not even a look.
"Answer me!"
He finally responds, although vaguely.
I wasn't listening though
My hands reached to the handle of the door, willing to jump out if I had to; only to realize that it was locked.
I frantically tried the one on the left, momentarily forgetting about my driver, the door didn't budge.
I let out a weird contorted groan sounding noise and look back towards the guy up front.
His eyes met mine through the rear mirror. He offered me a half-hearted side grin. I looked away.
I bit my lip and tried to assess the situation. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to think very logically.
What type of kidnapping shit was this?!
With no better plan on mind, I started banging on the windows as if it was gonna do jack shit.
I continued to hit the wall and was still hitting it when the I became short breathed.
The situation was catching up to me and now was not the time for a panic attack.
I tried to use the many techniques I'd learned before but they weren't helping.
Was it 5 seconds in or 7?
Tears were running down my face, making everything blurry, even through my glasses; and to make it all worse, I was still hitting the goddamn windows, which were making my hands sore.
Soon, it felt like I couldn't breathe and suddenly everything became blurred and seemed to start spinning, and darkness took over.
New story waddup!
This had a total word count of 970
Y'all should expect chapters around 600-700 words exception of this chapter and the last chapter.
That's it for now!