Chapter 5 - New Seed Planted

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I walked out of the airport, to the parking garage and got in my car. For the first time in a while, I felt at peace. I drove to my apartment and called Ralph. Our conversation was brief and he just decided to come over. I went to my room and started packing everything up. I turned on my Spotify and went to work. After an hour, Ralph was knocking at the door. I opened it to him and a very excited Reagan. They gave me hugs before following me to my room. I went back to packing and they began helping.

"Soooo..." Reagan started "How was your trip?"

"You sure know how to get straight to it Rae" I chucked "It was good... relaxing"

"What did you do?" Ralph asked without looking away from his box

"Well" I sighed "I spent most of my time in my hotel, at the spa, the beach.... and with my mom"

He stopped moving but it took him a second to look at me. Reagan excused herself as we stared at each other. Before he could speak tears began rolling down my face. He came over and pulled me into a hug.

"You shouldn't have gone there alone"

"I had to Ralphie. Everything was just getting worst and worst. I had to talk to her. I just felt like such a disappointment"

"But you shouldn't! Baby sis you're a bomb ass woman. You've overcome ever challenge that you've had to face. Resilience is your middle name. Auntie Naonni would be proud of you"

"How? Look at my life Ralphie! I am nothing to be proud of" I pushed him away "I was nothing to be proud of. But I talk to her and I promised I wouldn't be that anymore... I'm okay brother bear I promise" I wiped my tears away "I'm just happy to be taking my life back. Going back to who Micah was supposed to be. Before the bullshit, before Kane, before Paradise, and damn sure before David. I want to be the girl mommy and my mom can be proud of"

"I get it Micah... just don't do this soul search again"

We both laughed


"Because you know it's stressful as fuck for me not to be able to help you and fix it"

"You can't save me forever big bro... Sometimes I just have to save myself you know"

"Yeah" he sat on my bed "But what about this wedding gig? You think that's a good idea"

"Not in the slightest bit" I sighed "But Tim is the homie and that is you future sister-in-law. I thought I'd make you look good for the future in-laws"

"I just don't want to have to break his fucking jaw. He barely got spared the last time"

"If I'm good. You good"

"Then I promise you, we good"

I put my stuff down and gave my brother a hug. We didn't have many sentimental moments like this. He kissed my forehead before letting me go. We finish packing everything up within a couple hours. I called a moving truck to get all of my things moved out and into  Layla's condo.

We left my apartment once all the things were in the truck and headed to Layla's condo. When we got there Layla and  Alex were smoking as usually. Raphael went in joined in the rotation while Reagan and I talked on the stairs outside.

"So?" she asked

"So what?"


I shook my head "David"

"You know he's the best man"

"I didn't but I figured if he wasn't he'd still be in the wedding. I'm not worried about it honestly. I went home and I found my peace. I'm trying to be a better me"

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"I love that babe" she hugged me "That's real big of you"

"I mean I'm not all of a sudden perfect... I just can't let go of who I am because of where I come from. I just want to be a better version of my hood-ratchet self"

We laughed before getting up and heading inside. The session was over and everyone was playing music. Layla was drums, Alex had the keys, and Ralph was always at his guitar. We sang different songs and bobbed out. An hour or so past before Reagan headed outside, meaning her sister and Tim were outside. We kept jamming and vibing  it out.

  "I'm the only one, you're the only one. Together forever! I'm talking bout forever! Ever!" I sang "Together til never! Yeaaaaaa yeaaaa!"

"Wow!" I heard clapping from behind me

I turn to see Tim and a cute mini Reagan.

"That was amazing B" Tim walked up to me and hugged me "I never knew you could sing"

"Thanks Tim" I laughed before we let go "Congratulations on the wedding"

"Thanks. This is my girl Live. Baby this is B"

"Micah" I laughed shaking her hand "Nice to meet you"

"You too. So you're Ralph's sister"


"Oh and this is Layla and Alex" Reagan pointed "They will be saving your music-less wedding"

"Thank you guys so much"

"It's no problem" Ralph took off his guitar "Anything we can do specifically for the big day"

"Well" she pulled out a jump drive "These are the songs I want sung throughout the reception. Feel free to improvise any love songs. The first song is the song I'll be walking down the isle too. All I need is you guys to come to the dress rehearsal and be an hour early for the wedding"

"Cool we got you Miss Bride-to-Be" Ralph chuckled "Don't stress it. You can fire us as much as you like too"

"Oh my God! I wouldn't do that!" Olivia held her face "You guys sound amazing you should really do more events"

"We dibble and dabble but nothing serious" Layla laughed "Everyone has a higher passion this is just fun for us you know"

"So what are these deeper passions?" she asked

"Art" Ralph said "Me, Layla, and Alex are artist. We do tattoos. Layla sells paintings too. And Alex and me do a comic book"

"Wow! What about you?" she asked me

"Oh" I smirked "Umm honestly I'm still figuring it out myself"

"Bullshit!" Alex said "Don't believe her ole 'I'm so humble ass'! B does it all! She sings, she writes poetry, she dances----"

"Don't forget she got 4 damn degrees!" Layla laughed

"I don't have 4 degrees!"

"Yeah you have 2" Ralph said

"Not helping Ralph"

"You sound like you're pretty fucking awesome" Olivia laughed "Don't be so modest"


My phone rang and it was Carmen. I promised her we would go out so she could show me some surprise. I looked at Ralph and he nodded in understanding. I apologize before leaving and heading outside. Carmen was in her car with a huge smile on her face. She got out and we hugged for all the hugs missed since I was gone. We broke into laughter before getting in the car and heading to her house.

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