Chapter 12

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Sorry for the long wait but writers block is a bitch!


Kerin's POV

Last night was absolutely amazing! The way abandon held me, cared for me, made me feel something I never felt before, hopefully I can feel it ALOT MORE. Finally awake I crack a smile into the pillow at my thoughts.

Rolling over to get up my eyes shoot open when I'm pulled into a hard familiar chest. I giggle when a very familiar nose nuzzles my neck and behind my ears, letting out a content sigh I shift to face this familiar person next to me.

"Morning" I wince at how wrecked my voice sounds, abandon winces too since he's the basic cause of it. With a soft 'Good Morning' and kissing my temple he gets up from the bed to stretch, I take a moment to admire his bare back side.

"Having fun?" When i look up I see I was caught in the act, smiling I crawl to the side of the bed, but when I stood up my knees gave out, with a pain full cry I crumble to the floor but never made it.

Abandon was already at my side pulling me into his arms to the bathroom, setting me on the toilet I believe he's drawing me a bath.

"I'm sorry my angel for causing the pain in your back side.." Abandon looks terrible, he must feel bad because I look this way, getting on my hands and knees I crawl over to the kicked puppy and pull him dejected face into my hands.

"I'm fine you can't cause me pain when we- um made l-love, it was amazing... You were amazing-" he finally crashed his lips to mine, I whole heartedly grant him entrance.

We stay on the bathroom floor for more then a few moments, me in abandons arms placing soft kisses to his temples, eyelids, cheeks, nose, chin, jaw, neck and finally his chest. I move along his upper chest and shoulders nipping and licking, I smile when I here the faint rumble in his throat.

"Allow me to have my fun, you got to explore my body... Now it's my turn.." Looking up I hope abandon will keep himself restrained and not throw me onto the counter and repeat.... Um what happened last night.. Nodding slowly while his eyes flash dangerously he allows me the continue on his body, I slowly move down his abdomen.

Kissing around his belly button, down the dark strip of hair before taking him in my-

"My lord! We-!" Right before the good part! I go to throw myself away from abandon but he doesn't like that idea. With a large rawr nearly scaring the lights out of the guard he pulls me into his lap, thankfully covering mine and his 'parts'

"WHAT?!?" Shielding my crimson face into his shoulder I hear the guard telling abandon that there is ' important meeting he has with his brother'.

"Abandon it's ok, you can go ill just stay and wash up. Ok?" I smile to abandon and the guard as he slides out of the room paler than when he came in.

"Fine but the next time we are interrupted I will swiftly rip out the intruders heart.." I giggle half amused half fearful for who ever that might be, slowly standing I make my way to the tube with abandons protective hand spread across my lower back.

Slipping in the steaming water I let out a moan as my muscles relax, I open my eyes I see abandoned eye are a glowing purple and silver switching back and forth as he loudly pants with a few rumbles escaping his chest.

"Go on, get going" motioning him out of the bathroom the poor thing wants to do more than just stay... Maybe I should let him, I never got to finish.

"We will continue later, and I will make sure we are the only ones on the royal grounds." I shiver as abandon leaves with a growl.

Personally I can't wait to Finish, but for now I'm going to explore this tube then the fridge and then the castle, pulling over 'lavender bath potion' I accidentally pour the whole bottle creating large bubbles, giggling I enjoy the relaxing bath.

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