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Ever heard of Jake Henderson?

I have.

I definitely have.

Because I went to primary school with him.

We were best friends.

Everyone thought we would stay friends forever.

They thought we would do everything together, always.

And we did.

For a while.

But then we went to secondary school.

I became popular.

He didn't.

He became the nerd who sat at the back of the class, who always handed in his homework.

The perfect student.

And I ignored him.

Because I was greedy.

I wasn't content with the great friends I had.

I wanted more.

But I ended up with less.

Now he's one of the most successful singers of the year.

Now he has other friends.

And I'm sat here working in a coffee shop 6 days a week.

I'm sat here regretting not staying with him.

I'm regretting ever abandoning him.

Because he has a new best friend now.

Someone much better than me.

A much better friend than me.

Rachel Daria

The girl everyone ships Jake with.

The girl everyone thinks Jake is dating.

And that could have been me.

I could have had all of that.

If I had just had a bit of loyalty.

A bit of patience.

I thought I was doing the right thing.

But now I'm full of regrets.

Because that could so easily have been me.


Hey look I actually wrote something! Thank you so much for reading! It is not unlikely that I will majorly change this at some point but this'll do for now to hopefully make people aware that this exists! If you could leave a vote and maybe tell me what you thought I would be eternally grateful. Thank you,

Sapphire Lacelove Xx

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