Chapter 9

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Catherine had no words to describe the way kissing Emily felt. Their knees were touching, and Catherine's hand rested on her small waist. She could smell the scent of her hair, of her skin. In this moment, Catherine could have sworn she faintly smelled like wheat fields in summer afternoons they used to run through as kids, of wild flowers by that secluded meadow, of smokey scent of bonfires, most of all of nostalgia. It was actually a bit funny how much she reminded Catherine of their childhood yet this girl, right here in front of Catherine was not a child. The gently pressure of her moist lips on her own elicited a rupture of tingles, as her fingers rested on Catherine's neck, slightly gripping as if not wanting to let her go. She tasted slightly like cigarettes but Catherine didn't mind. 

Kissing her was wonderful, yet Catherine couldn't escape the gut wrenching feeling that she was doing something wrong, something dirty, she felt as if she was taking advantage of Emily. Catherine was the older one, the more mature one. She was not supposed to allow this, no matter how intoxicatingly good it felt. No matter how much kissing her made her want to cry and laugh at the same time, she knew that not even the intensity of this experience was making it right. She was the adult, and she had to stop this before it gets even more complicated. 

Mustering all of her will she pulled away, causing Emily to sigh, probably in disappointment. Gulping hard, she could still feel the post kissing buzz on her lips. Emily's lips were slightly swollen, her eyes trained intently on Catherine's face.

"What was that Emily?" she asked, her voice slightly trembling as she returned the gaze. 

The brunette pursed her lips in a thin line, and she seemed simply at a loss of words. But words were actually redundant as an instant expression of incredulity settled itself on Emily's face. Her eyebrows raised as if asking Catherine how could she even ask her that. 

Finding herself tripping over her words, Catherine tried to explain herself even though she wasn't entirely sure of how would she manage that. "Look Emily, thi--" her fated word vomit was interrupted by chirping sound of her phone. Thanking god or any higher power for this very welcomed disturbance, Catherine jumped up, and saying "Wait a sec," she hurried of towards the phone. 

"Hello." she said in the receiver distractedly as she glanced over the brunette. 

"Hi, umm may I speak to Catherine?" the female voice on the other line said. 

"This is she." 

"Oh, hey Catherine. It's Alice...umm...from the bar." 

"Oh hey Alice," Catherine smiled in the receiver remembering how stunned she left the woman in the bar. "What's up?" a loud slam of the front door muffled Alice's response. Looking at the spot that Emily occupied just seconds ago, Catherine cussed. "Shit, fuck. Do you mind calling back in five?" she hurriedly said into receiver, hanging up before she even heard a confirmation. 

"Emily," she called onto the younger girl who completely ignored her as she stormed off and went accross the lawn. Entering her house, Emily slammed the door behind herself. Catherine sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck. Deciding it was better to maybe let Emily cool of, and gather her own thoughts and think of some plausible explanation of why they shouldn't possibly kiss again, she returned to the house. 

Cleaning up their food, she dumped the stuff in the garbage can, just in time for the phone to ring again. 


"Umm, hey it's Alice again. So umm can you talk now?" 

"Uh yeah, sorry about that. I had a minor situation on hand."

"Oh ok. Well I umm called to let you know umm I realized what you meant the other night."

Laughing, but not as wholeheartedly as she would if it wasn't for the moment that transpired not even ten minutes ago, she said, "Oh yeah? So what did I mean?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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