My boyfriend and I were so happy once. We did everything together, we were practically together always never leaving each others side. David was incredible at sports and he was very handsome. He was on the varsity football team and was the team captain. Every girl wanted him but no one ever had him but me. I had stolen his heart and he had mine.
After a while it all started to fall apart. We would fight all the time. I would try to smack him he would try to smack me. I didnt even notice that something was defiantly wrong with our relationship. That was the way it always had been with my parents and It was all I knew. When he started to force me into sex I started to see that this was not right. When I would refuse, he would smack me and say "Shut up you little whore."
I had no where to turn, no where to go. My parents had both died in a car crash about one year ago and my only family lived 5 or 6 states away. David offered his home up to me, and wanting to stay in my home town, told him that I would. I was so stupid. That choice had sealed my fate, and I couldn't take it back.
I was about to start my senior year but David had just previously graduated the year before. It was only the beginning of July so no would notice me not being in school. I couldn't even keep track of the days he was so strict but I had to of known it was fairly early in the month because even from the cold dark basement I could hear fireworks over head. I waited for a long pain staking month for the chance to get out.
One day David came down the stairs with what little food he offered me. Usually just bread, water, and an apple. Once he was near me I stood up to pretend to take the food from him. I slammed my knee into his nuts and bashed his head against my knee.
It hurt so bad that I could barely run but just the idea of being free made all my pain disappear. I ran like I had never ran in my life. It wasnt quick enough, I had barely gotten into the kitchen when I felt a hard, cold hand wrap around my ankle. I screamed like my body was on fire. Like all the nerves in my body were melting at once.
I begged for someone, anyone to help as he was beginning to try to sexually asualt me. He was beating me severely trying to knock me unconscious. That was when I heard a loud noice coming from the front door.
A boy around my age with dark hair, a chiseled face, and a buff body came running to save me. He had heard my screams. I couldnt believe it, my savior had come. The one thing I had begged and pleaded for was finally there and I just chuckled. It was all I could do. That horrible monster had been caught and I would finally be free again. That was when everything went black.

Frightened and Found
RomanceLacey Drake, a 18 year old girl, is taken hostage by her boyfriend and held captive in his basement. When she escapes he beats her to the point of breaking bones when suddenly a boy around her age breaks into the house and saves her. What will happe...