Dylan's P.O.V
I was beyond hung over. I didn't mean to yell and snap at Megan, but I couldn't control my temper. I had some of the gang members watch her house last night. Since she was my girl, she had a price on her head and I was trying to keep her safe.
I got in my car and rolled a small blunt and lit it before driving away. My phone rang and I answered it.
"Dylan, my main man, how you likin the gangster life?"
"I'm lovin man, there something I can do for you?"
"Ready to work, some of these people could learn from you and I do need some help. I need you to cash a price on someone's head."
"Man i'm always ready for a job, just give me and name and address."
"I like you, you gonna last a long time with that attitude."
I hung up the phone and continued driving. This blunt was clouding my judgement, but I didn't care. I was a gangster now. The law was beneath me and I could break it.