'I wanted to write this today, no idea why maybe the coffee does this to me. Hey Brian, I am hoping you're the one reading it first because I always have imagined it that way.... How are you? I thought I should ask it. I want you to be living well...living happily, like we promised..
I have no idea what I am doing at this moment I guess staying here these days has made me think... think about how life changed, how it became tiresome but at the same time how it became the most beautiful I ever imagined!
You were the reason why. You will always be the reason why I began to like chicken
feet, going to parties, staying up late, getting up early and even running! It was all you, you
made me love and live life and I swear I have never regretted any of this.Do you know what I love? It's you, your smile, your fears, your pleasures, your flamboyancy, your existence . Whatever has happened, Whatever is happening, Whatever will happen, just never ever ever think it was because of you. Don't hurt yourself, don't hate yourself.
Although I am hoping that there wont be a time I have to tell you to look for this letter but if you're already holding it, reading it... just promise me... promise me you will not cry, promise me you will never give up, promise me you will not go back...leave. Leave with her, take her, keep her safe, you will keep her safe right?
Her, keep her near you...stay with her but don't let her know, she doesn't need to know,
not about me, not about you, not about us, not about them...not until she's ready. But when she does...be there for her, she will need you the most.Me? I have lived, lived what God gave me to the fullest, I lived when I was with you, I lived when I was waiting for you, I lived loving you, I live within you.. I will always be here even when I am not. Remember, to live happily, to live together with her, remember us, the memories we made, the memories you will make. Never forget who you are, you are the man I loved and will always love.
Do you think life will always come around how we want? Even if it doesn't make the most of it and when I am not here, don't ever come looking for me, not until you're a whole, not until you have smiled.
Hey Brian, it's time for me to go. Don't water you fears, they'll grow. Watch her grow up, make her smile.... she is yours after-all but do not break your promises. She will understand.... Bye dear, you will always live within me, just as I hope I am living within you.'
Dated , February 25th, 1999.
From the one who never hopes you read this
I Love You Both.

The Mirror Memoirs
Teen Fiction"She looks just like you, too beautiful, her blue eyes glisten the same way at the mention of those little things you loved. She is you, you are her." "She will be seventeen soon, she should know, she must know.. she needs to know how much...