Chapter 3 Wolfbloods

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"What are you doing to me! Let go of me! "

"I will never do that sister. I'm making you a patient. Your're the perfect match for our experiment. We are going to create the ultimate human weapon. A human with the strength and speed of a wolf. That can turn into a wolf and camouflage while spying on enemies. The ultimate weapon. Your blood mixes amazing with that of a Wolf's. We are going to go find a perfect wolf for you. We have an alpha in mind"

"Why are you doing this? " I screamed as he poked more needles into me. One of them had this weird liquid in it.

"W... What is that! "

"It is a special mixture that is suppose to help your blood combine with the wolf's blood. We're going to get her now. Have fun screaming"

"No! You can't do this to me! " He clicked a button before all of the liquids started to flow down the tube. When it went in my body I screamed in pain and agony.

I bolted up screaming. Thankfully there was a rope around me and I didn't fall down the tree. I looked around and there was no one there. I untied myself before wiping off my sweat. I grabbed my bags and put the rope in one before putting them over my shoulder along with my gun. I then started to climb down the tree. The moment my feet touched the ground I herd people yelling.

"We found her! Get her! " I took off through the bushes and I went through the most dense part of the woods. I got scratches all over my body but I didn't stop. I ran and ran and ran until I found a cave. This cave didn't look like an ordinary cave. The top of the cave was glowing and I saw a light at what I thought was the end of the cave. It wasn't. There was glowing crystals on the walls of the cave. It was like it was luring me to the cave. I was completely lost then all of a sudden I find a cave that has glowing crystals and a glowing ceiling? How exactaly does that work ? I went as deep as I could into the cave but I couldn't carry on because there was a giant hole in the middle of the floor. I tried to go around it but then I fell...

"OW," I yelled. Surprisingly the drop wasn't that long it was only like 3 feet and there was water at the bottom but I didn't land in it. I countinued down the cave when there was a noise in the distance. It sounded like when you get two walkytalkies too close to each other but ten times louder. I set my bags down and loaded the gun before I went towards the noise to see what it was. There was this gigantic meteor about as tall as me. The sound got louder and louder, then........


"What happened? Mom? Why did you wake me up so early?" I jolted up when I remembered what happened. I was about ten feet away from the meteor and my hand was all burnt. I screamed at the sight and then it slowly healed. What did they do to me? What did it do to me? I backed away from it. It lit up again before it started to smoke. I backed up and hid behind a rock where all of my stuff was just in time for it to explode. When I looked where it was there was nothing left. What happened?

It bonded us together

"Who said that! "

My name is Maple. I'm the wolf that died because of those people. It infused our blood together and it bonded us. It showed me what it wanted to happen. If we bite someone they will become like us. That meteor was from a different planet that has been studying the human race. It wants us to create a new civilization that doesn't need to rely on electricity and all that stuff. But they wanted me to warn you. Choose who you bite carefully because it will be excruciatingly painful your first turn. Same with the others. It will be in a month. On the next full moon. That is their only payment. That you have to shift every night on a full moon otherwise you may shift freely and go on with your normal life. I will explain it to you later but until then we need to get you ready. You can not leave this cave at all. Do you understand?

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