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*Yoongi POV*

The lights flashed and were focusing on me. I felt unstoppable. The microphone was held tightly in my hands as I walked towards the crowd and began to spill out the words. They flowed smoothly out of my mouth, I earned applause and screaming from the fans as the sea of people swayed with my members hands. It was like an ocean of love, posters floating so smoothly across the water. The lights, the adrenaline, the feelings. Everything was absolutely perfect in my life right now and this moment proved it.

I smiled as I held out the microphone to the audience and the rest of the boys did the same. Without a second breath it happened, ARMY sang along to every word, not missing a beat. My heart thumped with joy as they hit every note. It was beautiful, they were beautiful. Happiness consumed me as I finished the song and the lights dimmed down. My heart was beating in a way I felt at peace but it was sporadic. I peak over to my left and see her cheering me on backstage. Yes, her, the girl who as stuck by my side through everything. Heaven.

My attention goes back to the crowd as the lights come back on and I feel my eyes well up. "Thank you ARMY! I love you!" I spoke into the microphone. Every show I am filled with so much emotion. Me and boys lined up at the front of the stage and held hands before bowing at once. The fans roared as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I smiled as we walked off stage waving.

Taehyung patted me on the back. "Good job out there." He gave me a warm smile.

"You too, all of you guys!" I yelled earning laughs and claps from the others. We all high fived before I was handed a towel. I wiped off the sweat of my forehead and walked over to my beautiful girlfriend. "Hey baby."

"Good job out there." She smiled embracing me in a hug full of instant regret. "Ew..." She cringed but didn't let go. "Even though you're drenched in sweat, I still love you."

I held her tightly before pulling her back and looking down into her shimmering brown eyes. They still sparkled just like first day I kissed her. They still smiled brighter than the sun itelf. Yes, when fear got the best of me and I made her leave. But, I realized I couldn't live without her. I couldn’t imagine waking up every morning knowing she wasn’t mine. "I want you to wear something pretty tonight." I smiled down to her.

She raised an eyebrow. "Why?" Her voice was so soft as if she knew what I was going to say. "Are you taking me somewhere?" She bit her bottom lip and smiled.

I chuckled and ruffled up her hair. "Yes I am."

"Yoongi!" Jungkook yelled trotting over to us. "We are going to go out tonight, wanna come?"

"Sorry. Not this time bud." I smiled. "Im treating someone special to me tonight." I look back at Heaven. I seen a small smile form on her face from the rejection I had made.

Everyone in the room chuckles out a, "Oooh!" Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows and smirks. "I see where this is going."

"Not like that." I shove him and roll my eyes. "It's more than that." I whisper into his ear.

His eyes widen. "Are you going to-"

I quickly cover his mouth and push him out of the room. "Jungkook, be quiet." I say before letting go. I don’t want him to spoil the surprise.

"Awww!" He squeals. "I can't wait until I end up in a relationship like you and Namjoon." He pouted. This child is too adorable.

"Yes you can." I pat his shoulder. "Make sure you find someone that loves you uncontrollably and you always fight with them."

He chuckled. "You and Heaven fight all the time." He was right, we fight literally all the time. Every single we have petty arguments but you know what, we work them out, we get over it.

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"And what happens after?" I smile.

"I don't want to know-"

"Kookie! Get your head out of that!" I slapped his arm. "Anyway, we make up and don't go to bed angry at each other." I put my hands in my pockets. "Never let your girl go to bed upset." If you do that they won't sleep well that night, they can wake up with anxiety, keep your girl happy.

"Never?" He asked.

"Never." I spoke sternly. "Never ever." I shook my head.

"Never Everrr!" Jungkook sang. Jesus, ever since that song came out it’s been impossible to avoid hearing it. It’s a good song, well made but overplayed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. I hope something else distracts this child, something less...annoying.

*Heaven POV*

I wonder what Yoongi was going to say. He just ran off with Jungkook, kind of suspiciously. It probably was nothing. My phone starts buzzing in my pocket and I quickly pull it out. I read the caller ID and see it's Maggie. "Hey!" I answer quickly.

There was screaming coming from the other side, it wasn't concerning as I held the phone away from my ear a bit. "Hey, um, I need your help. These children are driving me insane!" She yelled from the other side of hell.

I chuckled. "What? I can't hear you over the end of the world coming from the background."

"Yeah very funny." She giggled. "But I mean it, Namjoon isn't coming home until later and I really need help." I could hear the exhaustion stuck in her throat. I should help her but, I have a date with Yoongi tonight...

"Mommy!!!!" A devilish child screams in the background. Dear god, I pray for that woman.

"I'll be there in a second! Jackson stop looking at yourself in the mirror!" She yelled back. "Mark! I swear to god if you touch that- Mark!"

A big smile grew on my face. "I'd love to watch my nephews." Even though they sound insane they are adorable little monsters.

She sighed out a heavy breath. "Thank god! Thank you really!" Her voice resembled one who just got a wish granted by a genie.

"I'll be there after Yoongi takes me somewhere." I smile to myself. What could he be planning that is so special?

"Wait! No! You can't tonight!" She practically screamed at me though the phone.

I held the phone away from my ear and had my eyebrow raised. "Why not? We are just doing something but I'll be back-"

"Nope! Sorry! I love you sis, byeee! Jackson!" With that the phone hung up.

I held the phone in my hand for a second before putting it in my pocket. What was all that about? It seemed like she was really desperate for a baby sitter, hmmm. I guess I'll find out later.

*Yoongi POV*

I fixed the sleeves on my white button up shirt and looked at myself one last time in the mirror. Tonight is the big night. Stay confident, stay smiling, keep her smiling. My heart raced when I seen Heaven walk out of the room wearing a red knee high off the shoulder dress. My eyes widened as I smiled walking over to her. I extended my hand and bowed. "Shall we go my lady?"

She chuckled then hit me before walking off. "Oh come on." her heels clicked with every step. Wow, she sure is something isn't she. I've watched her grow into a respectable, beautiful woman. I remember kidnapping her cute little thug ass. I jogged up to her and shut the door behind me and opened the passenger door to my RX7, god I love this car. It's my baby, well...besides my other baby. She got in and I shut it before walking over to my side and getting in.

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