Who's that girl? You know, her, the one who always wears black. Well, not always black; sometimes rainbows. Nobody in their right mine can reach her. She has this vibe to her that no one understands.
Who's that girl? You know, her, the one who never talks to guys. She's gotten close with one guy, then cut him off in an instant. On the day she met him, she wore black, and the day she let him go, every color in the rainbow.
Who's that girl? You know, her, the one who closes herself in, but seems like a social butterfly. She has hundreds of friends, but only has walls surrounding her. Four walls: two black, and two rainbow.
Who's that girl? You know, her, the one who is underestimated by her peers. She can outdo everyone, yet never tries. She can do anything she puts her mind to, but puts herself down to seem down-to-earth.
Who's that girl? You know, her, the one who always cares. She is never heard, but she will always put you before herself. She makes sure you have everything you need and feel the best about yourself before fixing herself.
Who's that girl? You know, her, the one with social anxiety. The one who has to feel accepted constantly. The days she feels included, she wears black. The days she feels left out, she wears the rainbow.
Who's that girl? That girl is me. I am all of the things you never knew and never would have known. My identities are defined by my surroundings, and those surroundings dictate my mental state. My brain is a swirl of black and rainbows, never to be discovered by anyone but myself.-----------------------------------------------
AN:Hey guys! This is my first story! Comment what you think! This story was meant to be ambiguous, so if you envision yourself in my place, that's fine! Thanks for reading!