I closed my eyes and listened the the beep of my heart monitor, I heard the door open and suddenly Jon was curled up around me. His face was damp with tears.

"Hey, baby" I mumbled, kissing his forehead. I closed my eyes again because the light burned.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for your operation" He kissed the underside of my jaw "Did it go okay?"

"Mhm, hurts"

"What hurts?!" Jon patted various parts of my body, I winced and sucked in breath


"Do you want me to get a nurse?"

"No, I'm already drugged up on morphine. I just want you"

"I couldn't find Jake" He sniffled "No one had seen him"

"It's okay, baby, you tried"

"Do you think he... he's....you know"

"No, we would have heard about it by now" I assured him "I'm sorry, baby, but I'm tired-"

"Go to sleep" He said softly, his fingertips tracing along my cheekbone. I smiled at his touch before falling asleep.

Slender fingers combed through my hair as a pair of soft lips trailed up and down my face every so often, stirring me from my sleep. Sleepily, I opened my eyes.

"Benny, how long have you had hair for?" He kissed me fully awake "Why didn't you tell me?"



"I stopped going to chemo a couple of months ago"

"What?! Why?! Ben, are you an idiot?!"

"The doctors told me it wasn't working, what was the point?"

"But, I love you and I don't want to lose you-"

"Princess, it's everywhere and if the operation works, it'll be gone"

"I should've known, your eyelashes came back even thicker than ever and I knew I saw some eyebrows under that hat" He kissed the space between said eyebrows"Please don't die on me"

"I'm trying" I cupped his jaw and kissed him "I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but there is someone wanting to visit you who isn't yet authorised to do so, Mr Cooke" A nurse poked her head around the door.

"Who is it?" I frowned, propping myself up on my pillows

"A woman called Riley, she insisted that she spoke to you"

"Send her in" I said in a dazed tone. Riley?! As in my sister Riley?! I haven't heard from her for about 20 years, since Mum died and she never came back....

Two people stepped into the room. Riley, of course, and Jake?! I expected him to be filthy and in desperate need of a shower but his hair was freshly washed and he was wearing clean clothes. I held out my arms and he rushed forward, burying his head in the crook of my neck, his hair smelled like Riley's shampoo.... the one she used to use 20 years ago. Or still did by the looks of things. I wrapped one arm around Jon and pulled him into the bone-crushing hug.

Dad, Papa, I'm sorry" Jake choked out "I couldn't just sit at home worrying so-"

"Jake, it's okay" I interrupted "I'm glad you're safe"

"I found him, Dad" He told me "He was starving"

"Is he alright now?"

"No, he's in hospital. Look, Dad, Riley found us and and she took us back to her flat so we could have a shower and stuff. We took Adrian home and I told her about you and here we are" I kissed his forehead and looked over at Riley, who was fiddling with her sleeve.

She didn't look any different,heck, she didn't even look like she had aged at all. Lucky for her. Her ashy blonde hair was curled to perfection like always. Her eyeliner was slicked neatly over her eyelids, flicking out dramatically. The lip she was chewing was glossed and her teeth had to have been whitened. She was wearing a skirt suit. A suit. Never had I expected my sister to be a business woman. A runway model, sure, but never a business woman. Clasped in her manicured hand was a briefcase. Did I even know this woman?

"You know, if I didn't feel like I'm paralysed from the neck down, I'd walk over and give you a hug" I grinned a her. She smiled and approached my bedside, bending over to kiss my cheek and hug me. "Why did you leave?" I asked quietly "I needed you, Riley"

"I know, I'm sorry" She drew back "I just couldn't handle it after Mum died too. Everything reminded me of her and Dad. I couldn't get in a car for 2 years, Ben"

"But what about me? I could have died and you left me!"

"Ben, I said I was sorry!"

"Um, babe, Jake and I are just going to step outside" Jon kissed my cheek and prodded Jake in the direction of the door.

"Riley, sorry doesn't quite cut it" I snapped "You were supposed to be there for me but you took off because everything was too much for you! We could have got through it together but you left me and I've never been more lonely, Riley!"

"Well, you turned out great without me" She said sadly "Look at you, you're married and you have a family"

"Yeah" I smiled, twisting my wedding ring on my finger "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I just missed you, Riley" She delved into her pocket and handed me a photo. It was picture of two teenagers, a girl and a boy. The girl looked identical to Riley whereas the boy was dark and brooding.

"That's your nephew and niece" She told me "Ajax and Harper, they're twins"

"They're beautiful, Riley" I said softly "How old are they?"


"Same age as Jake" I commented "Are you married?"

"No, their dad left before they were born because he wan't ready" She said bitterly "Count yourself lucky you never had to be a single parent"

"Where do you work?"

"I'm a lawyer, trust me I'm just as surprised as you" She chuckled "Luckily, I'm pretty well off so I guess I shouldn't be complaining to much about the single parent"

"Well, you look great, Riley"

"Thanks, Ben"

"Can I meet your kids?"

"Sure, we'll come visit you when you're out of hospital"

"Riley, thank you so much for finding Jake"

"It's okay. I was just walking back to my flat and I saw him and that little kid huddled together. Reminded me of when I ran away, I had to rough it for a while. I couldn't just leave them there. All they had was a packets of biscuits and a water each. When he told me who his parents were, I guess I woke up. I'm sorry, Ben"

"It's okay, if I had the chance to run away, I probably would have too"

I wrapped my arms around her again. It was so good to have her back, so, so good. Suddenly, an extreme restricting pain pounded in my chest. The breath got stuck in my throat. I couldn't fucking breathe. It felt like a huge weight was being pushed into my ribs. Weakly, I pushed Riley off me and fell forward, gasping for air.

"Ben?! Ben, are you okay?! Oh my god! What happened?!" She panicked "NURSE! NURSE! I NEED A NURSE! Hang in there, Ben! I'll be back in minute!" She sprinted out of the room yelling at the top of her lungs.

 "Ben! " I heard Jon shout "Oh my god! No!" I caught sight of the tears falling down his cheeks as he pushed me onto my back and cupped my face in his hands. Then he was being dragged back by Jake as a team of doctors rushed into the room. 

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