Natalie's POV
I pull up onto the horse and throw my
second leg over, repositioning myself till I was comfortably situated. It was awkward because I didn't want to hold on to corporal Levi, that would be too awkward...
"Oi brat! You'd better hold on unless you're
planning on falling off the back!" Levi said emotionlessly as usual.
"Hold on to what??" I ask in a rude tone.
Oops, I don't want him to leave me here...
"Well either me or the horse's *ss, you
choose." He said obviously annoyed at my rude tone. I blush and slowly wrap my arms around his chest/waist area. He sighs and takes off after the others. I awkwardly squeeze a little tighter because I'm afraid I'll slide right off, I take a peek at Aspen who seemed to be doing fine. But knowing her she's probably holding in her fear...
I close my eyes a bit, tired from my lack of
sleep last night, seeing that I stayed watch all night. I'm in deep thought when I feel myself slipping, my eyes widen and I brace for impact. It doesn't come. I'm pulled back up by a pair of surprisingly strong arms.
He turns around, "You'd better stay awake,
we don't want you getting trampled now do we? He asked pretending he cares. I avoid eye contact and look over at Aspen. She's snickering at my little 'incident'. Not cool.
A little while after we had left the tower, we
could already see HQ. Honestly, if Aspen hadn't been injured we could've gotten here ourselves. I let out the smallest sigh. "We're back," I whisper to myself.
We pull up to the stables and I hop off the
horse, making sure to give it a little pat. "Thank you, corporal." I say lowering my head and looking down. I get back up and hear his signature 'Tch'. I struggle to keep down my laughter but turn on my heel.
"Oi brat," I turn my head. "I- you're
welcome." He said immediately turning around.
He seemed flustered, so I just giggle and skip off to find Aspen. I look around the rest of the stables and find Aspen and Armin deep in a conversation, they're too smart for me, I smile.
"Aspen!" I skip up behind her smiling
uncontrollably. She turns around and scoffs while
continuing her sentence. I pout but when she finishes she holds up a finger to Armin and turns my way.
"Yes?" Aspen asks impatiently dang, this
girl attitude level is at it's peak. I smile shly
and explain my intentions to eat and I was wondering if she and a friend would mind accompanying me. She turns to Armin for an answer.
"Ya sure! Now that I think about it, I'm pretty hungry aswell." Armin says placing a
hand on his stomach while smiling. Perfect. I'm starving. I take their arms and drag them off to the Mess Hall.
We eventually found some bread left over
from breakfast and quickly ate before Sasha
found out what we were doing. I was first to finish, and Armin didn't eat his so I ate that too. I sigh in content and twiddle my fingers. "I'm gonna go wash off and do my laundry, I stink!" I say giggling as I left the blondes alone.