Emily is a youtuber with 15,000,000 subscribers, and a history she hopes no one will find out about.
Matt is a member of Smosh Games, and is fighting to stay happy.
This is their story of love, and fighting through their own demons.
Hey Soldiers! So sorry this is late, but I seem to never get it up on Wednesday so I am going to change the update schedule, and start uploading new chapters on Thursday instead.
Also: An insightful commenter recently brought this up, and I wanted to clarify this for all of you wonderful people.
There will be some repeating events and dialogue in the chapters, but I wanted to tell the events from different perspectives, and so you can what is going on in that character's mind and what happens afterward for all of them. So yes, there will be chapters with repeated dialogue, and sometimes we will even go back in time to where some events will have happened, but they are from a different characters perspective. If you hate it, I'm sorry but it is the way I would like to share my writing. Now enough with the timey wimey stuff, ON WITH THE STORY
Wes's Point of View
I'm sitting in the plastic chair, with my headphones plugged into my phone and watching some of Emily's videos. I had been a subscriber since she started but I was still a fan, even though she was one of my friends. I had just finished watching one of her dance videos, using "Darude Sandstorm" as the background song, and she was dressed in her gaming gear; her glasses on, black leggings, a Nintendo shirt t-shirt, jewellery from different games and her hair tied up in a ponytail.
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I clicked on another older video, a prank it forward this time. I smiled at seeing her help someone who had been struggling ever since their dad had passed away from cancer. It was heart warming to see as not every youtuber really takes the time to realize the struggles that fans face everyday, but then we see that others really do take the time to make sure their subscribers really do feel the love that we feel for them. I finished the video when Matt speaks up from beside Emily's bed. "Wes. I have to tell you something." He speaks, and I look up from my phone. "What's up? You're not going to yell at me again, are you?" I ask, remembering the hateful words we both exchanged yesterday. "No! Not at all!" He says, and I smile back at him. He fills me in on the people who hurt Emily; Shayne and Courtney. I push down my rage as I realize that the people who hurt one of my best friends works at Smosh, and were people I called my friends. I then show Matt some of Emily's prank it forwards, and more of her videos, but I regret it. Every time I show him a video, I can see it; he falls more in love with her. I hate that I feel this way, the jealousy burns in my throat and makes my stomach churn. I want to be the one that wakes up beside Emily in the morning, and the one that makes her smile. The one that tells her I love her, and hear that she loves me back. We continue watching her dance and sing, before Matt starts to fall asleep, and moves back beside Emily so that he can be beside her when she wakes up. I continue watching videos until darkness overtakes me.
I remember watching videos with Matt last night, but everything after that is blurry. I must have fell asleep, and never remembered. I was unbelievably angry that Emily had gotten hurt, and I couldn't blame myself more. I never should have let Mari say those things to her! I had never even known that Emily had an eating disorder or that she used to self-harm, or that her exes both were at Smosh. I couldn't believe that people that I called my friends were capable of hurting someone that innocent. I had always remembered Shayne bragging about his girlfriend, and how she was amazing, but I had never thought about what was happening behind closed doors. I wake up, and see Emily and Matt talking. Emily smiles warmly at me, and waves me over to grab a cup. I hope it's not coffee, as I really do hate it. "Morning Wes! Joven was here for an hour and he dropped off some hot drinks for all of us, unfortunately they might be cold. Don't worry! Yours is a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and chocolate. I remember your order, and that you hate coffee." She says, passing me the drink. "Emily... We have something to tell you. We know how you got sick, but we need you to promise you won't rage." I ask, knowing her anger got the best of her in situations. "I make no promise. My rage has a mind of it's own, now tell me. I want to know if I have to sue or hire Mark and Sean to go kick someone's ass until I can." She says, her arms crossing over her chest. "You can kick someone's ass?" Matt asks, and I'm surprised. Based off her weight, I guessed she could only be 90 to 100 pounds, and she barely comes up to my shoulder when she's on her toes. "I've Brazilian fighting since I was 14, and then I advanced to kick boxing, karate and kung-fu. I can basically defend myself in any situation. Now tell me!" She pleads with us, looking up to Matt. "It was Mari." He says quickly, and her face changes from serenity to rage.
"What?" Her voice seethes in rage and anger. "She switched out her plate with yours, and her food had copious amounts of dairy in it. She tried to take you out, so she could date me. She told us two days ago, we found out and couldn't tell you until you were awake." I explain, coming to sit beside her. "Why? I get the love she had for you, but trying to kill me is a little extreme." Emily says, turning to Matt, grabbing his hand with her own. My heart clenches at the sight, as the two share a tender sight. I may have accepted the fact that Emily was now dating one of my best friends, but it didn't mean that I liked the fact. I still wish I could call her mine, but that wouldn't stop me from calling her one of my best friends. I clear my throat, leading the two to look away from each other. "I know one thing for a fact. Matt and I have talked, and we won't let her hurt you. You matter way too much to the both of us, and the rest of the Smosh Crew, as well as your friends will agree." I say, taking one of her hands. Emily smiles gently at me. "That's really sweet Wes, but you can't protect me 24/7. I live alone, Mark lives with two other roommates, Sean and Felix live across the world and Nate lives with his girlfriend. I can't ask one of you to move in with me, and I definitely can't live at the Smosh Games office." She says, worry running across her features.
"Emily, calm down. It's going to be okay Angel. We will make sure you're safe. Mari can't break down doors as far as we know, and you have an insane security system so that you never get robbed." Matt says, leaning forward and pecking her on the forehead. I clench my free hand into a fist, my chest seizing up with jealousy. "Wes, are you okay?" She asks, looking into my eyes. "I'm fine. I hate to ask, do you mind if I talk to Matt outside for a few minutes?" I ask, standing up. "Of course. Take all the time you need." She says, smiling warmly. Matt nods at me, quickly kissing her lightly. We walk out into the hallway, into a secluded area, a few doors away from Emily's room so that we can see if anything happens. "What's up? Everything okay?" Matt asks, looking up at me. "It's just jealousy. I know that Emily chose you, but I still have feelings for her. I'm going to go, and talk to the other Smosh guys so that we can take some precautionary measures and so I can clear my head. Can you tell Emily that I had something come up? You're one of my best friends and I don't want to do anything that I'm going to regret because of jealousy." I say, trying to avoid his eyes so that I can't see the anger. "Wes! It's okay. I'm glad you told me so we don't fight. It was brave of you. I'll tell Emily, don't worry. I'll see you in a bit as I'll probably spend the night here with Emily so that she's protected. Stay safe Wes okay? We have no idea if Mari will strike back against us, so she could hurt anyone." Matt says, patting my arm. We hug slightly, and I walk toward the exit, passing Emily's room and seeing her and Matt kissing. I push down my revulsion, and I step out into the bright light of the morning. I remember that I didn't drive here, so I call Lasercorn, hoping that he'll pick me up. "I'm on my way, heads up though, I'm bringing Tyler. I had to pick him up from daycare, and then we have to go to the office." He answers. I assure him it's fine, and patiently wait. "Hello Wesley." I hear behind me and my back stiffens. "Hello Mari." I say, turning to face the devil behind me.