Almost 14 years later...

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I arrive at the train station with Dad. I look to the train. "Well, I, guess this is goodbye. Love you!" I kissed dad's cheek and then jumped onto the train. I looked around, I knew no one here. My aunt and uncle's daughter Gwen is three years older than me, and Corey, my other cousin is five years older than me. I sat in an empty compartment. I put my stuff up and looked out the window. "Excuse me?" A voice startled me. I looked up and saw a blonde haired boy. I smiled. "May I sit here?" He asked. I nodded and he sat down. I looked at my feet, trying to avoid eye contact. He looked out the window as well. I felt my cheeks drain of color when I heard a snake-like voice. "Your Mother died for you ungrateful prat." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. It was true. My mother had positioned herself between me and a werewolf. She died protecting me. This wolf wasn't transformed but was also a wizard. He tried to use the crucio, curse on me. It deflected and hit him. I was four years old. Let me say, I was homeschooled for three years. I was fourteen now. I had another scar shaped in an s and it throbbed at times. I had looked for my older siblings, hoping to sit with one of them, but no such luck had come. "I'm Scorpius." The boy said. I looked up. "I'm Mae, Mae Potter." I said. His eyes widened slightly. "Oh, your uh, Potter." He sighed. "I know your older brother, he sits with me usually." He said. I suddenly looked up at the door as Albus walked in. He looked between me and Scorpius. "Well, I guess I'll get my things and leave." I said, beginning to get up. Scorpius grabbed my wrist gently. "Stay." I nodded, not taking my eyes from his, and sitting down. I looked out the window again, hoping no one would try to talk to me.

We arrived at Hogsmeade station, I tried to grab my trunk. Scorpius came back to help me, but I swung my trunk down. "I'm good." I said. "Al, where's Lily?" I asked. He shrugged. The little third year had to be somewhere. "Come on Mae, let's just get in a carriage." Albus said. I sighed and decided she must be with her friends. 

I had been privately sorted and I was a proud Slytherin. I separated from the boys and sat at my table. I sat by myself, whispers filled the hall as I sat. They all knew I was Mae Potter: The girl who survived a werewolf attack, and an attack of crucio/avada kedavra. I looked away, and instead to Professor McGonagall. I raised my wand instinctively as someone grabbed my arm. "Let me go." I said through gritted teeth. The person did not release me. I looked behind me  and froze as I saw Scorpius Malfoy. "Let go Malfoy." I sent a stinging curse at his hand. "Ouch!" He said rather loudly. "Shut up." I said, turning back to the front. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to know who you were, but it's clear from that scar upon your forehead." He muttered. "You think I wanted this stupid scar? May as well call me the 'Cursed Child'." I said back. He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I'll show you to the-" I cut Malfoy off, walking in front of him and to the entrance to the common room. I said the password before the Prefect could. I walked in. "I'm exhausted, night Al." I said, hugging my brother. He smiled and waved as I left.


"Uh Al, I think your sister's rather sweet." I said, smiling, I fancied her truly. "Don't you dare start fancying my sister! She's a precious innocent girl!" He said. my cheeks flushed. "Well, uh, I'm just gonna go sleep..." I said, still red. He chuckled and watched me leave. But still thinking of Mae, Mae, what a girl...

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