So I bet you all are wondering what's been going on for the past 6 hours. I am currently holding a bloody jacket because Jungkook lost his temper and I'm sitting in the hospitals waiting room.Lets back it up to where it all started. Jungkook's parents were being somewhat rude towards me because of my "class" and that I was male but mainly because I wasn't as wealthy. They went on and on about how I needed to do this or be this to marry Jungkook. Jungkook has plenty of women lined up from him and I wasn't needed. Just all this nonsense, I obviously didn't care because I knew kookie and I care about each other.
But noooooooo Jungkook had to lose it and went off. I mean I knew Jungkook had a temper but I swear he could have killed hundreds with his blinding rage.
So here we are in the hospital because Jungkook split his knuckles when he punched the mirror along with a few other small injuries.
"Excuse me, is there a park jimin here?" I hear a small voice call out. My head snaps in the direction the voice came from and i hold my arm up. The nurse smiles and walks over to me.
"You're jeon Jungkook's significant other?" She asks. I simply nod.
"Jungkook is all stitched up. A total of 12 stitches. He has a few other bruises and cuts on his arms but he refused to have them treated. He's in room 512" she explains and hands over a few sheets of paper for Jungkook's information. I smile and thank her. I head towards kookies room.
Once I've reached 512, I knock softly and wait for a reply. I hear a low grunt and assume it's Jungkook. I walk in slowly and my eyes are immediately focused on a grumpy tattood male with a remote in his hand.
"God! There's nothing on to watch in the hospital. All this old fuckin shit" he growls, tossing the remote at the end of his bed. I let out a small giggle which attracts his attention. He looks over at me with a sweet smile and opens his arms out for me.
I return his smile and walk into his out stretched arms. After a few moments I hit his head twice "yah! Jungkook! Get the rest of your injuries treated you idiot" I yell as I yank on his ear.
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Hyung let go! It hurts it hurts" he shouts while trying to get away. I scoff and let go of his ear. I cross my arms and give him a pointed look.
"Yash....yelling at a person who's in pain" he mumbles. I continue to glare at him until I know he's caved in. "Ugh! Fine I will! Stop staring at me like that and hold me! I just lost my shit because of my parents and I need my cute little stress ball" he shouts once again. I laugh at his words and climb onto his bed. I crawl in between his legs and get comfortable.
We lay there in silence for awhile and I breath in Jungkook's scent. His natural scent is hidden under the smell of the hospital. I squeeze my eyes shut remembering what happened earlier today. I thought I'd lost Jungkook. I've never seen someone so angry before. It was like he was different person and something inside of him took over. I couldn't through to him.
I feel Jungkook lifting my face and my vision is blurry. I then realise that I was quietly sobbing. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" His face shows concern and I feel myself bubble with anger.
"Jeon Jungkook you scared the shit out of me! I thought I lost you! Do you understand the panic I went through? Not only did have to worry about you but your family who was on the verge of calling the police on you and taking your job away!" I shouted as I ripped myself away from him embrace.
He looked at me with shock written on his face. I didn't let that phase me though. I got up and grabbed my things.
"You better get the rest of your injuries treated or I swear to god I will murder you" I said sternly and walked out. I sighed deeply with a shake of my head, I made my way home.
Jungkook's POV
I was astonished by Jimin's actions. I've never seen him so upset before, I mean I knew he's an emotional person but I was surprised I AM SURPRISED. He just yelled at me then left. I wanted to be angry at him, I want to yell at him to get back in here but I can't. He has the right to be.
I fucked up. He wasn't supposed to see that side of me but I couldn't contain my anger. My anger issues can get the best of me and when it comes to jimin I won't tolerate anyone disrespecting him.
I take a deep breath and reach for my phone. I scroll through my contacts and click on jimin's name. * My Baby boy💓*
"Should I call or text?" I say out loud and ponder the thought. I eventually decide on a quick text.
Jungkook: Hey jiminnie can you please talk to me....I miss u
After I send the text I throw my phone beside me and rest my arms on my head.
I hope he answers....
< 5 hours later @ 1:07am >
I feel buzzing under me and quite ringing. I let out a groan and set up to look for it. Once I find it I notice someone's asking to FaceTime. I don't look at the caller ID and swipe.
There's whimpering on the other end and immediately my eyes snap open. I quickly rush over to turn on my lights. In the process I trip on one of the wires and fall.
"Awe shit" I curse. I fumble for the light switch, growing more panicked as the whimpering gets louder.
I finally turn the lights on and my eyes quickly look to see a black screen. I turn up my brightness hoping to see who it could be. But that doesn't help.
I was hoping jimin had called from one of his friends phones but the area code is different.
Before I can ask who it is a face appears in front of the camera and then the line goes dead. That face....I know...that face.
I can feel my heart dropping and the air being taken out of my lungs.
I AM SO SORRY. I've been crazy busy with work and school. Bare with me 🙏
I'm gonna try to get part.2 up as soon as possible okay?! And I also apologise for making this chapter short, I just really wanted to get something out there. Thank you so much for reading!💓 please vote and share! 🤗

Daddy's little kitten // Jikook
Fanfiction"Hi! My name is Park Jimin and I like fluffy blankets" *smirks* "Jeon Jungkook and I believe you're mine" Jeon Jungkook is a CEO of Hanhwa, owned by his father. Jungkook seems to have it easy but really he's just a guy that's tormented by his past...