About this volume/for new readers

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Updated for 2019!

Hello! Welcome to the third volume of #HowToAuthor, which is allllll about what happens after you get a book deal, as well as marketing. If you're unsure of who I am and why you should listen to me, I recommend reading the introduction of Agents & Submission. But the short version: I've been writing seriously towards publication since 2012 and building my "brand"/platform for about as long. In March 2017 I sold my debut novel BRIGHTLY BURNING, which came out from HMH Teen on May 1, 2018. My book was "crashed" which means it will come out just 13 months after sale, so all the things that happen once you get a book deal happened to me, very fast.

My second novel, THE STARS WE STEAL, will be released February 4, 2020. I drafted and edited it while promoting Brightly Burning, which was... a time!

Now that I've made it through my debut year and learned a LOT about marketing and post-book deal things, expect lots of updates for this volume! I also recommend you check out my YouTube channel where I've been sharing insights into the publishing process for the last 18 months.

Now, marketing and platform can start years before you get a book deal, so there is plenty here for aspiring writers without a sale.  In fact, I think it is best practice to start building your platform when you are ready to query. It's never too early. But it's never too late, either! There's also plenty here for writers who recently sold or are close to it and are suddenly freaking out about "marketing" and "platform."

As with all volumes of #HowToAuthor, this is a work in progress.

I'd love to hear questions and requests from readers on what they want to know about this end of publishing. If I don't know, I will ask and find out so I can write about it.

I hope you enjoy it!

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