Chapter 29

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I soon woke up and yawned while stretching my arms.

"Jungkook?" I called for him as I looked around the whole room. No response. That's weird. He didn't even return yesterday.

"Where could he be?" I whispered to myself as I stood up and did my morning routine. I then went out of my room and bumped into Jin and Namjoon.

"Hyung, have you seen Kookie and Chim? I haven't seen them since yesterday, oh! And also Jaebum" I asked while fiddling with my fingers.

"No, we haven't seen them too. I'm getting more worried" Jin said, biting his lips to prevent his tears from falling. I just sighed and nodded.

/Night time/

I went back to my room after a long day of doing nothing and plopped myself down on the bed. But I soon froze on the spot once I heard a crunch sound. Huh? I then placed my head down on the pillow again, only to hear another crunch. Okay, what's under this pillow? I then took whatever is under my pillow, which happens to be a letter. I read it silently and ended up crying. I crumpled the paper and threw it across the room.

No no no no. He wouldn't. I can't believe this. He's leaving me again. But... He just wanted to save Jimin and Jaebum.. I'm being selfish.

I quickly stood up and ran towards Jin and Namjoon's room to inform them.


A/N: Idk what to say right now.. I feel so guilty for not updating. I've been busy with school works these past few days, well until now actually.

I hope you guys would understand me, and actually I wanna cry. I'm a bit sensitive when it comes to my problems. Most of my angerness ends with tears. My hate for myself gets worse. I just want this feeling to stop. It's hurting me too much.

And I understand that this story is losing readers.. It's okay, it's my fault anyways. I'm not a good writer and I'm not even updating that much.

And for all those readers who are still with me until now, I just wanna say thank you and I love you.


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