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I keep telling myself that it doesn't matter, that it was just a dream, but, every time I remember the sight of Frost's dead body, something heavy settle inside my chest, and my throat close, and I start to feel like dying.

The first it happened, I was alone, they found me unconscious in my room on the floor.

The second time it happened, I fell face down on top of Thea, the poor thing was crushed under my weight.

After that, people around me started asking questions.

I graduated university, with an excellent mention.

Rei took car of me, he invited me to a special squad in the FBI.

We started by the beginning of Fall, and the best part is, we are working on a Secret case, and to top it all, a new member is supposed to join us soon.

The spring break accident left a lot of ugly scars on all of us.

Rei was hospitalized for his broken ribs, and his head also, he kept it a secret, but, he got severe headaches from time to time, and his sight is a bit damaged, he must have hit his head hard on the steering wheel.

Tyler in the other hand, he seemed okay, but he collapsed a few moments after he talked to Theo after they woke up from the accident. His lungs were damaged a bit, but what surprised us all, was that his heart almost gave up. He is taking a break from work and everything exhausting.

And to finish with, Theo. He is acting strangely, cold and distant, he is even working hard, the family business is growing up crazy, all eyes are on it, he never comes home, his house is empty, and he isn't treating everyone like he used to, everyone missed him, Alexander is quite grateful for him, since Theo returned to work after getting out of the hospital, Alexander is having a lot of spare time to passé with Suzanna and little Thea.

But, I still see a hole unfilled in his chest.

That day when he woke up, Sophia's parents were there.

No one knows what they said to Theo, he never told anyone, only Rei and Tyler knows.

Dear Sophia, or whatever your name is, I am grateful to all what you did for me, if you are somewhere on this earth, please forgive me and be okay, and if not...Rest in peace beloved sister that I never had.

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