sick feeling part 4

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No one pov

When the paramedics had been there for 30 hour it was, making sure that if they move Ryan then it would not hurt him as well as making his illness worse, they then said they will need to get going because Ryan had kept falling a sleep, Mike was sat next to him making sure that he needed to keep his mask on till one paramedic had told them that they fought he has got leukemia,
"What" mike and may-lee said walking over to ryan,
"Um yeah, he keeps finding it hard to breath and tall, he keeps falling in and out of sleep so there is high possibility it could be leukemia" the paramedic said
Maylee was shocked and scared
And Mike was sat there rubbing ryans back.
When mike and ryan got in to the ambulance they set of

Maylee pov

I was sat there in the kitchen with some coffee and thinking things throw when the twins came down and said "what happened"
"Ryan has got sent to hospital"
"Is he going to be ok" Billie said
"Yeah of course"

This was a short update bare with I have ran out of ideas

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