Sutton walks along the crowded, early morning streets of Neptune, looking tired. They come up short when they realize there's a large crowd of protesters gathered around in front of the FU research building. There seems to be two groups of protesters, some sporting signs reading "Where's OUR humanity?" and "FU, FU!" while the other demographic has signs with things like "NO MORE MONSTER!" and "Trust God, Not Science." Sutton approaches with apprehension, when she notices a familiar face in the crowd, holding a sign that reads "Splices are People Too!.
Sutton: Lana? [semi-jog/speed walking] Lana!
Lana: [holding a sign and chanting aggressively] No Testing, No Testing, No-[turning] Hey Sutton! Are you okay? You didn't come home last night, I was worried [amused] I thought I was supposed to be the crazy partier.
Sutton: [catching Lana's arm for balance like someone who is not fine or well rested] H-hey, Lana, I'm fine, just, uh, just went home for the weekend. [looking around] What's going on?
Lana: You haven't heard? FU is one of the labs that's gonna start testing on splices.
Sutton: [taken aback] What!?
Lana: Yeah! Apparently there was some clause in the TO Bill that allows labs access to infected splices for [make disgusted look on their face, finger quotations] "observation" [standing up straight, holding up the sign which had slipped a little] Only an idiot wouldn't know what that means. [pointing to the other, slightly smaller group] Look, even Jeremy and his empty-headed, bible-thumping lackeys are here, [nose up, sniffing] For all the wrong reasons of course.
Sutton looks to where she pointed, back at her, then to the entrance.
Sutton: No, this isn't, they can't do this...
Lana: Yeah, well, they're doing it. Dumbasses think this is gonna find us a cure, but if we have to give up our morals, do we even deserve it? To think an educational institute would endorse something like this. [getting an idea] Hey! Why don't you go talk to you boss? See if she can get the school to reconsider.
Sutton: [looks at Lana, doubtful] If the school board is in on this, I doubt there's anything Dr. O'Neal could do.
Lana: [disgustingly optimistic] She could help stage a strike or a walk out or something! You never know until you try.
Sutton: [unconvinced] O-okay, maybe I'll ask her. I definitely need to talk to her...
Lana: Good luck!
Sutton gives Lana a small wave and makes their way for the entrance. Sutton keeps their collar up, eyes down, and walks by them quickly, ignoring their yelling.
Protesters: [chanting] No Testing! No Testing! No Testing!...
Protester 1: [to Sutton] There's a special place in hell for you splicers
Sutton kind of stumbles away as the protestor leans towards them, then frowns and hurries the rest of the way to the doors. Once inside, there are several people and what appears to be the secretary, talking to some officers about the crowds outside. Sutton hurries to their genetics department. As they near the door, Jeff comes out carrying a box of old equipment and various supplies.
Jeff: Look who finally decided to show up!
Sutton: Uh, yeah, sorry, I was just, uh [pointing over their shoulder] Did you see the crowd, o-outside?
Jeff: Of course, how could I've missed it? Those idiots have been here all morning.
Sutton: Where's Dr. O'Neal?
Splice (first draft)
Science FictionSPLICE verb (used with object), spliced, splic·ing. Genetics. to join (segments of DNA or RNA) together. A college intern gets in over their head when they pick up a couple of strays, and a weary information broker may have bitten off more than he...