Chapter 19 - Tick Tock Tick Tock...

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Once again, feeling confident, I strode out of the theatre and out into the chilly December air. I wondered how I'd be able to look at the cast list on Saturday if I didn't own a computer or a phone. Lizzie had said that we'd figure out a way for her to contact me if she and Robert thought there was a legitimate chance that I could get cast.

But we didn't.

I think my voice was just too horrible. At first, they probably thought it was just nerves or something and that, like Carter had said, maybe they really liked my acting and were hoping to see me sing better today.

But it was all wrong.

I wished the days would go faster, yet I needed the time to find a place or a person with a computer that I could borrow.

I pushed my exceedingly optimistic thoughts about the cast aside as a new, more important thought presented itself with a loud growl from my stomach.

I pulled from my shoe the change left over from when Hailey had bought me lunch.

Where was she, anyway? I hadn't seen her for weeks and she's never been gone this long before.

I tried not to let this trouble me and decided to think about it later. The choice I had to make now was where to go for food.

I walked around a bit and entered a few restaurants before finding a fairly cheap fast food place that would let me come in without an adult. I was used to questions like "Where are your parents?" so I was ready with my answer of "My mom told me to buy myself something while she waited for me outside." This, first of all, was a good enough answer for most people, and secondly, allowed me to take it to go, where I wouldn't have to pay tax.

I strolled in and ordered myself a burger, answering the cashier's questions the way I had rehearsed them.

I roamed to a corner where I sat and enjoyed the steaming meat and bread in my hand. I kept my change in a plastic cup next to me, where a few people added to it. I thanked them enthusiastically.

And now we wait, I thought.


I love torturing you guys with suspense >:)

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