Sign Language - Nyx

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Nyx stared as he followed the boy. The monster seemed to be trying to figure out how strong and fast he was based on appearance, but he knew that appearance had deceived him many times before. With a curious expression, the boy followed after the other, his voice called out cheerfully, “Good, I’m usually good with names… Sometimes.” His giggle sounded as if he was drunk of blood, eyes almost seemed to be swirling around. 

    The boy frowned as the kid picked up his pace, widening his strides to keep up with him. He then frowned, “You really heard something?” In such a place as this, there is something to here, he wondered to himself. Nyx sighed, feeling more little glass shards slip into his feet, stinging slightly, but nothing to cringe over. Eyes red at the smell of blood, Nyx stared forward into the room. He quickly tried to switch his eyes back, but to no avail. The grin came across his face as he saw the contents of the room. Bodies, bodies, and more bodies. It was the lovely place that Nyx had decided to place everyone. Bodies stacked high, giving Nyx the feeling of home. All tension left as Nyx just felt like everything was normal now. He was just at home, hanging out in his crypt like it was any other day. The other child gave the opposite reaction to this masterpiece, though. A small little from tugged on the corners of his mouth as Nyx chased after him, his bloody feet stepping in the bloody footprints of Ethan. As the kid began to remove any food he may or may not have had, Nyx gave him an odd stare. This wasn’t normal to Nyx, and his confused expression showed that. He almost wanted to ask what was wrong, but shrugged it off, deciding that the child was probably just sick and the smell of blood had triggered the disease.

    The incubus knelt down beside the child, stroking his blonde hair as his mother had done when he had gotten sick before.  His blonde eyebrows were scrunched together in a look of utter confusion, still wondering what was wrong as the boy wiped his mouth. After chewing his lip for a while, Nyx licked his thumb, grabbing the boy’s face. He soon started wiping off the remaining mess the child had left on his face with his thumb.

    “Better now?” The incubus questioned, looking at Ethan with a quizzical look upon his face.

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