Chapter 11

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Waiting Right Here

**Fang's P.O.V**

So, up until now, I had always thought of myself as the 'underdog.' But to tell you the truth, I couldn't have pictured my life much better than this. I had a beautiful fiance and great friends that were always with me through thick and thin. If I asked for more, than I would be a selfish bastard.

"What are you smiling about, Fang?" The Gasman asked me as he looked up into my sullen eyes. I gave him an awkward side hug and then turned to the mirror to fix the tie of my suit.

"Perverted joke," I answered smoothly, grinning at myself in the mirror.

"Do I get to hear it?"

"Hah. Absolutely not." I sighed, then giving him a wink.

The Gasman groaned and then left my side. Iggy came up to me and patted my shoulder, "Hey, man."

I looked up to see him in his nice suit also. "You liking all of the primping?" I asked.

"Yeah..." He chuckled. "Dr. Martinez is going crazy out there. I feel sorry for the girls..."

I winced at the thought of Max having to shop for her wedding dress with Nudge and Angel. Poor baby...

Yep, I was getting married in three more days. That gave us three days before Max's due date, and I wanted to be married to her before the kids came. Max would have to buy a maternity dress... I hated that part. I knew she wanted to buy the dress that would make her look slim and stunning... But she would look beautiful in anything. So I didn't stress it that much.

I looked at my suit again and sighed. "I kind of like it..." I sighed, looking back at Iggy.

"I bet you look great, Fang... Really great..." He let out a deep breath and held his head low.

"I'm sorry, Iggy. I always forget that you can't see it..." My voice melted with sympathy.

He looked up at me and cracked a smile. "Don't worry about it." He said, then reached over to hug me.

This was unexpected.

Us being guys and all... We hated hugging. Okay, maybe an awkward side hug every now and then, but this was a full on attack mode hug.

I braced myself as Iggy came at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I gasped as he squeezed me against his chest, and then I sighed, locking my arms around his neck.

"I love you, man..." He sighed as I started to push away from his embrace.

"...Love you too, Ig." I said, confused.

He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and sniffled. "Dude, are you cryin'?!" I asked, walking over to him to look into his blank eyes.

"Allergies..." He whispered, and headed out towards the door to the baby department, and left me dumbstruck in that stupid dressing room.

"Hola, mi amor..." I purred into Max's ear as I layed down beside her on our large bed. Her gorgeous hair was laying casually on her beautiful shoulders. I pressed my lips to hers and grinned at her when she chuckled.

"Where's my mom?" She asked, looking up at me.

I slid down so that our eyes were leveled. "Downstairs with everyone else... Why are you up here all by yourself?" I asked, running my fingers over her large belly.

She smiled, holding up her book.

"A new one, already?" I asked, looking at the book and smiling back at her.

She nodded, "The second one was kinda slow, but I am loving the third one!"

"Eclipse?" I asked, taking the book away from her and reading the back of it.

"Yeah... I am loving that Edward character, he is so sweet." She said, giving me a pointed look. I glared down at the book. I was hating this guy.

"Bet he is gay," I murmured. She gasped then slapped my shoulder. I nudged her arm and she winced.

"Oh come on, I didn't push you that hard," I said, as water showed up in her eyes.

And then, my foot got wet. "Oh my God!" I yelled as I saw Max's pants become drenched and soaking the bed.

"Oh my God, it's happening! My water broke!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, okay," I chanted, throwing her book to the side and cradling her in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I pulled her against my body and lept off of the bed, flying down the stairs and into the living room.

"Show time." I said simply, and everyone's eyes lit up.

Nudge stood up quickly and ran to the supplies closet to get the overnight bag for me and Max.

Dr. Martinez was talking to Max soothingly as we headed towards her car.

Iggy, the Gasman, Angel, and Nudge piled into the third row seat as I placed Max in the middle seat, having the whole row to ourselves.

I held her hand as the contractions started happening. "Gah!" She screamed out, beads of sweat running down her face.

She squeezed my hand tighter and I watched helplessly as she moaned in pain.

Dr. Martinez was going eighty-five on a fifty highway. So, yes, we were speeding.

We pulled into the hospital's parking lot and we all leapt out of the car. I took Max into my arms again and ran her inside.

"She's giving birth!" I exclaimed as I saw the front desk lady look up at me and my family coming in.

She nodded and handed the paperwork to Max's mother and then grab a wheel chair. I placed Max into the chair and rolled her right behind the nurse that was leading her to her room...and after that, everything seemed to not even matter anymore...

The weight of the world was lifted and it seemed like my soul had been escaped into something totally free. I watched as my son and daughter were being born. I watched the world's greatest miracle be performed right in front of me. The miracle of birth, and the birth of my children.

"Here is the first one..." The OBGYN said to the nurse. I watched intently as I saw the head of the child. Who was this going to be? Scarlett or Rhett?

"It's a girl..." The doctor said over the screams coming from Max. "Would you like to do the honors, Dad?" She asked, handing me over surgical scissors. Scarlett was crying loudly, and my grin grew wider, I gently cut through the cord and all of my emotions were set free. Tears streamed down my eyes as they handed her over to me in a blanket.

She had dark brown hair and was covered in blood. I leaned down and let Max have a glance at her and she winced when she saw how dirty she was, but then sighed as she kissed my cheek.

"Let's get her cleaned up?" A nurse asked as I handed her over. I nodded, not very willing to let her go.

"Here comes the second!" The doctor exclaimed as the head of my son came into view. The top of his head was showing, and the beeping of Max's heart was getting louder as she pushed with all of her might.

And then, something around my world went completely silent. Why wasn't my baby boy crying?

That's when all of the chaos happened. "Max, push harder, we're losing him!" The nurse screamed as she looked at me and then my fiance.

Max let out a yell of agony as she pushed with all of her might. The shoulders came into view, along with the face of a dying child.

My heart stopped and my focus went blurry. Oh God, not again, please not again. "Save him!" Max screamed as she felt the doctor tug Rhett all the way out of her.

"Cut it quickly, Dad." The doctor said, and I did exactly that. The cord was broken and I watched helplessly as the doctor and crew ran out of the room, with an oxygen mask on my child.

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