"Katlyn wake up honey it's time for school you don't want to be late." My mom said
"Yes mam" I said sleepily
I'm Katlyn I'm 17 and I'm in my senior year of high school I attend Benjamin Franklin High In New Orleans. I was born in Memphis but we moved to New Orleans when I was two years old so I was basically raised here. I live with my mom her and my dad separated when I was 12 and now he wants nothing to do with me nor my brother. My brother Kayden is a year older than me and is now attending college at Harvard.
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Kayden In The Media I got up out of bed to get dressed for school. I did my usual routine which is take a shower,brush my teeth, and wash my face. I threw on a Mikey mouse shirt with a mustard colored jacket on top since it gets cold in school some blue jeans and my timberland boots (outfit in mm). When I got done putting on my outfit I brushed out my long straight black hair and put on my makeup.
As I made my way downstairs I saw my mom eating breakfast at the table.
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Katlyn's Mom In The Media Seeing that I didn't have much time to eat I just grabbed a strawberry poptart out of the pantry. "Bye mom I love you" I said as I kissed her cheek. "I love you too honey have a good day at school."
School I thought about everything Bryce and His friends were going to put me through today. Bryce was the star basketball player that every boy wanted to be and every girl wanted to fuck.
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Bryce In MM Everyone except me because he's my bully and has been since the first grade . As I made my way to my all black matte bmw that my mom got me for my birthday last year.
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I hooked my phone up to the aux cord and started playing my favorite song All Eyes On You .I started to make my way to school and as I was pulling up to a red light my best friend Taylor texted me. BFF10L💞☺"Hey Boo Wya?" Me:"I'm omw" At School Now When I made it there I saw my Bestfriend getting out of her white range rover
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and a empty parking spot next to her. As I was about to pull into the parking space an all white BMW pulled in front of me into the parking space .
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I blew the horn and then I saw the person I didn't want to see get out BRYCE. He smirked at me and walked towards the building.My bestfriend tripped him because of what he did.I had to find another parking spot once I did I made my way towards the building.
When I got in the building I went straight to my locker where my
best friend was standing waiting on me. Taylor is the brave type out of us two and in everyone else's is the prettier one.
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"Katlyn when are you going to grow some balls and stand up to Bryce's soft ass " Taylor said sternly."What do you mean " I said laughing a bit."You know exactly what I mean " she said looking at me . "Whatever Taylor you know I can't do that i'm too shakey but I have to get to class see you in last period. In First Period When I got to class I greeted my teacher and went to my usual seat in the back of the classroom. As I was getting a pen out of my purse Bryce walked in and came to sit in the chair beside me and his bestfriend Kevin sat on the opposite side of me.
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"Wassup Katlyn" Bryce said in my ear. "Can you just leave me alone Bryce you've been bothering me since first grade and I fail to realize why" I said annoyed "Oh look Bryce Princess Katlyn grew some big balls over night " Kevin said amused "She sure did Kev and that was a big mistake Katlyn" he said with a devilish smirk on his face. Katlyn what have you gotten yourself into I thought.