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     RIKKI RAN as fast as she could out of the woods

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     RIKKI RAN as fast as she could out of the woods. She had just witnessed someone being murdered ninja style. The image of the man cut in half still hunted her mind. Every time she blinked or closed her eyes that's all she saw.

What was she going to do? Should she call the cops? Rikki didn't know the group of men and she couldn't say they where a group of supernatural hunters, they would probably send her to Eichen. If they knew that man was a Omega then the could easily find out she was a mermaid. Just one drop of water and her secret would be exposed. Then she would be really screwed.

     But that was all the least of her worries as she came stumbling to her car. She just needed to get out of there and fast. Rikki was in such a panic that she didn't notice Derek approaching her from behind or how bad she was shaking till her pulled out her car keys.

     The keys rattled against one another. Rikki ran a hand through her hair as she took a deep breath to calm herself. It didn't work seeing as soon as a hand placed itself on her shoulder she let out a small scream, dropping her keys in the process.

     Rikki turned around to see none other then Derek Hale. Which confused the blonde mermaid tremendously as to why he was there. Had he been following her? The answer was obviously yes unless he happened to be walking around the woods and stumbled upon her in a state of panic.

     "D-Derek?" Rikki stuttered unable to speak properly.

     "What were you doing out here?"

     Wow, does he even know how to ask if someone is alright? Rikki thought.

     "D-Did you... see what happened?" Rikki asked looking up at the dark haired man. At the moment she didn't care if she was still crying like she usually would care. She did just witnessed a murder.

     All she got was silence from the man in front of her. Of course it was silence, it's always silence when it comes to Derek Hale. He use to do it quite a bit when they where both younger. Rikki guessed he never grew out of it.

     With a roll of her eyes Rikki bent down to retrieve her keys from the ground. But before she could precede to get into her car and just drive away a hand wrapped itself around her wrist. Derek's hand.

"Yes I was there. You shouldn't even be in the woods. Its not safe for someone like you," Derek spoke

"Not safe for someone like me? I can handle myself just fine," Rikki said with irritation in her voice. She just wanted to get away from Derek and the woods. She just wanted to go home.

Rikki • Derek Hale Where stories live. Discover now