I walked slowly to the teacher. She looked at me with those big eyes of hers. Unlike other kids who would be frighten with her over sized eyes, I didn't.
"May I go to the restroom?" I asked. She looked at me cold.
"Fine I guess...." she huffed. I walked to the door and opended it slowly and walked out.
I walked through the hall finding my classroom. This is probably the hardest part about my task: finding my classroom's number. For you guys it might be easy. But people with a learning disorder is hard. The rooms' numbers will keep on switching up on me. But theres a thing I did too prevent me for going to a different class room. I grabbed a permanent marker (black) and marked on the door. Not to noticeable but not invisible either. I looked for the mark. Then I saw my black mark I did. I looked at the room number. It said "room 86" but I was pretty sure Ms. Bratch said it was "room 68"."The mark hepled alot" I whispered. I fixed my dress ( well it was more of a sweater than anything but it was really long. Like down below my knees.) it was also a turtle neck so I loved it. It was white, and adding a color too it would make it beautiful. I lift up my dress where it showed my thigh strap. I took out my pistol and knife. Put one in my hand and one in the other. I opended the door slowly. Everybody look at me then turned away (they probably figured out it was me). I slowly closed the door. Turning to the door and locking it with that super lock thing I put on the door. When it clicked everybody looked at me again. I turned to face them. Ms. Bratch stopped talking and looked.
"Why did you lock the door?" She asked.
I didn't say a word. I was hiding the gun and the knife behind my back. I walked toward her and was now right beside her.
"Hello children...... My lesson for today is...... teacher dies!" I pulled out my gun and shot her right in the head. Now what filled the room was the students' terrifying screams. This was the final and the best part of the task: my killing spree.
I darted at the boy that pushed me in a lake and made me drown almost. I slashed him with my knife. Blood squirted out and sprayed my white sweater dress. This is the color I was talking about, to make my dress more beautiful.
Now I began just killing random kids now. Using my knife for kids who were close and gun for kids that were in distance. All I herd was screams, gun shots and blades cutting through skin and flesh.
One boy grabbed a chair and was running toward me. Guessing he wanted to hit me with it. But his fear got in the way with his confidence. Throwing the chair at me but I easily dodged it. Making my perfect chance to stab him. I darted at him and stabed at his stomach. I took the knife out and saw his paralyzed face. He vomit blood and fell down.
After that, it was silence. I looked around. Everybody was in a bloody puddle. I sighed and dropped my gun and knife. I walked toward the only table that was not covered in red liquid. I sat down. Im surprised the teachers arn't worried right now. But I did remember the other 8th grade classes are outside right now doing a experiment that I already forgot.
I sat there waiting. My red lipstick was all smeared now but oh well. I saw all of the students laying there dead. I smirked.
"It's what you get" I said. But then even killin every student in here and the teacher didn't felt very satisfying yet. I got up.
"What am I missing?" I asked myself.
Then I snapped my fingers.
"Of course!" I yelled out. "I gotta mess up the classroom too! Sure the red liquid messed it up sort of.... But to add touch I need to knock over the desks and everything else too!" I yelled while laughing afterwards.
I started knocking over desks and throwing chairs. Now im more taking my frustrating out than anything. Grabbing my gun and shooting windows and and destroying curtains. Destroying the tiles on the floors to desyroying the white bords. Finally I stopped to take a breather. I looked around and saw that the class was a official mess. I smiled. I sat on the desk I was sitting on earlier.
Now I have to wait.
"Ms. Bratch! Its time for lunch! Your 16 minutes late already!" A math teacher said.I just sat there. But I did turned my head around though. I saw blood on the door dripping down underneath the door; where the math teacher can see the blood.
I herd a scream.
A little to morbid? Sorry it's my specialty :) And I was writing most of that with a black cat on my lap :) Trust me theres more sickening moments and maddness coming ;) So get ready!-- What character do you think that was--

Unforgiving Scars
HorrorEmber- A girl that has a past that leaves so many scars and bruises that will give her nightmares for eternity. A girl that stands out from the crowds, like a white rose in a red rose garden. She is a sociopath. Her problems make her bashful and a p...