Jake's POV:
Erica pulls me to the side...... ' Jake, i think, that its important for you to know this now rather than later, as, you know, Ben and Alan aren't her biological parent, her biological family, so, her mum, dad, and brother are right now, in prison, for abuse. What im trying to say is they ALL mistreated Abi, and she, she, she would self harm, but in a different way, she would write the things she got called on her wrists, she would stab the pen nib which was sharp, and she would cave the words or letters into her wrists, and that's why i checked them. she wasn't the best student at school, she would be kicked out of classes or she would be kicked out of school entirely for her dyslexia, they school didn't believe she had it. she got bullied at school, and she put up with her parents abuse until she was turning 14, she told someone, her brother's best friend Zach. He took her to tell the police, and they put her in custardy of Zach's family for a while, until she was turning 14, she got moved to live with Ben and Alan. They gave her a better life, they gave her the life she needed. She moved schools, and was overall better. she got picked on for being different, so bright green eyes, dark hair, pail skin, and for being skinny, she kept self harming, until i caught her, and that's why im so protective of her. ive learnt to look after her. she is different to other children her age.... she dealt with things they wouldn't of. that's why i treat her like i do, and i tell you to do the things i tell you to. i needed you to know.' Erica explains. i nod, ' thank you for explaining, i know what to do now.. im gonna go to bed now.' i say, walking to bed

Playing the game A team 10 fan fic
Teen FictionAbigale is a young Youtuber. She lives with her parents. Her parents have to move them self and her to America away from her British friends. Once in America, she meets with an old friend! Who is it??? READ ON TO FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!