It's been about a month no sign of Dally, Syliva is hanging with some other guy the no good slut. Steve has Levi all the time and tread her like his own she sure does love Steve. Levi smiles more laughs louder and runs around she loves everything. Being five shouldn't be this hard for her no parents. Dally better get his head out of his ass soon. It was about 6:00 in the evening when Darry walked in with Levi on his back she was laughing up a storm Steve behind them poking her sides. I smiled wide cause I knew she was happy. Pony and Johnny walked in and Johnny looked around I guess for Dally but no one else did that. "Supper is on the table go eat." Darry patted my back and we all ate some food. Ponyboy did the dishes and everyone else sat around and watched some tv Levi in Darry's lap. Just about then there was a knock on the door Steve got up and went to the door I heard him mumble to himself and he walked outside it got quite and Levi looked at Darry. Steve came in and looked disappointed. "It was Buck. I gotta get ahold of Dallas." Levi put her head down and Darry rubbed her back. "What's wrong Steve is Buck okay?" Steve nodded and looked back to the door. "It's Syliva, She's dead." Eyes was wide and it got quite till Two ran in "Did Buck already come by?" We all nodded, Steve went for the phone and rang up Dally.
About 10 minutes pass and Steve hangs up the phone and sits down next to me. "Dally sounded pretty disappointed about it, but was asking more questions about Levi." Levi looked up and stared at Steve "Is he coming home Stevie?" Levi was the only person that was allowed to call Steve Stevie. Steve looked at Levi and shrugged his shoulder and Levi buried her face in Darry's chest. I wish Dally would come home so Levi would be 100% happy. Steve noticed how upset Levi was he walked over and picked her up. "Levi." Levi kept her head down looking at her shoes, she was like Kat she never liked people to see her cry it showed weakness. "Levi baby doll look at me please." Steve cupped Levi's face so she would look at him I've never seen this side of Steve before if was new like a new person. "Levi just cause your dad isn't here don't mean no one cares. Cause we all care about you so much. I'm sure your daddy will be home soon. But until then your with me and I'll keep you safe cause I love you!" Steve kissed Levi in the cheek and hugged her close I was shocked to see Steve like that I really was cause he was an asshole 99.9% of the time.
A couple hours pass and we all sat around and ate some chicken and watched some movie Ponyboy picked out. Levi was sitting with Darry snuggled up in a blanket, but all the sudden she moved from Darry and went to Ponyboy and sat in his lap all snuggled up. Ponyboy kinda looked at her but relaxed after a minute. It rolled around 11:30 when the movie ended and Ponyboy and Levi had fell asleep. Steve smiled at Levi then got up, "I'm gonna head back over to Dally's and put Levi in her own bed." Steve laughed and messed with my damn hair. He picked up Levi and waved us goodbye and walked out of the house.

One Crazy Love
FanfictionA greaser girl who has a pretty rough home life with her father always gone for work and her mom's rough battle with cancer. But she always finds comfort at the Curtis house only cause the fact she is apart of the gang and is like a sister to the Cu...