The sun peaks over the horizon of Remnant as Fox Alistair sauntered down the streets of Vale. The sudden burst of cool air rushes though his burnt orange hair, causing him to shiver. He throws the hood of his pullover over his head and shoves his hands into his pockets as he continues to make his way to a small café in downtown Vale. To Fox, they made the best coffee and freshly baked goods compared to any other café he's been to. That's one of the reasons why he likes to go there whenever he had the chance. Another reason being because his best friend, Yang Xiao Long, works there. The cold wind starts to pick up, making Fox quicken his pace and lower his head to avoid the chilly weather.
The delightful smell of freshly baked goods and hot coffee fill the air around Fox as he turned the last corner to his destination. He pulls a door open before he hears footsteps behind him. Behind him was a woman with long black hair, amber eyes, and a black bow atop of her head. Fox holds the door open for her to enter the establishment, which The woman thanks him for. Once she enters, Fox follows behind her and stands in line, waiting to order. To Fox's knowledge, the café is owned by Ruby Rose, Yang's younger sister, who also works as the cook and pastry chef. Fox rarely ever sees her because she'd always be in the back, baking all sorts of baked goods. Yang, works as one of the two cashiers here. She had golden blond hair that was the brightest shade of yellow anyone has ever seen and lilac eyes that would sometimes turn a bright red whenever she was angry or frustrated. Velvet, the other cashier, is a rabbit faunus with long brown hair that went all the way down to her waist, brown eyes, and long bunny ears. She was very polite and patient towards the customer as opposed to the blond who's temper is very short. Then there was Coco, the barista, who put a lot of work into making coffee and tea and making sure it gets to the customer as fast as possible. In addition to her work uniform she wore black sunglasses and a beret. She has wavy locks on one side of her face, dyed with a gradient that starts in dark brown and transitions to caramel.
In the middle of thinking about what he wanted order, Fox's train of thought was put to a screeching halt when he heard the sound of glass shattering and pots and pans hitting the floor followed by the sound of small objects scattering across the floor. Everyone, including the staff's, attention was directed to where the sudden noise came from.
The back door to the kitchen slowly creaked open to reveal a small girl with silver eyes and black hair with red tips wearing an apron over her uniform which consisted of a white button up long sleeve shirt and a black skirt. She stood there with a nervous smile towards the crowd of people staring at her, some worried and some startled. The girl shuffled over to Yang, and whispered something in her sister's ear. Yang gave her sister a reassuring smile before walking with Ruby back to the kitchen. Before Yang closed the door behind her she turned to Coco and said a few words while gesturing to the cash register she'd abandoned. Coco nodded before Yang said her thanks and went inside the kitchen to deal with whatever Ruby needed her help with. As soon as Yang closed the door people went back to doing whatever they were doing before all of the commotion. Coco walked towards the cash register and started to help the lady in front of Fox. After she ordered what she wanted Coco goes back to her work station and starts brewing some tea. As she's doing that the woman and the other cashier, Velvet, strike up a conversation with each other. Fox then takes this time to think of what he wanted to order, not wanting to interrupt the conversation between the two ladies, he stayed behind the black haired woman and thought carefully about what to order. About a minute later Coco came back with a cup of hot tea and set it on the counter top. The woman then takes a thermos from seemingly nowhere and fills it with the hot tea. She says her goodbyes and leaves the building. Fox then realised that he still hasn't decided on what he wanted so when it was his turn to order he couldn't give an answer. He's been coming to this café for three weeks, ordering something new every now and then."What're ya having?" Coco asked. He had no clue what he wanted besides the usual coffee he'd always order.
He glanced up at the menu one last time before the temporary cashier suddenly spoke. "Ya know, you can never go wrong with donuts." she said as she rested an arm on the counter and rested her head in her hand. She smiled at Fox and lowered her shades to give him a wink. Fox felt his heartbeat slightly increase in speed but kept calm. He smiled back and pulled is hood off of his head and reached for his wallet. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. "Two glazed donuts and a coffee with two creams please." Fox spoke before putting his wallet away. "Hey, I know you~" She pointed a finger at him before standing up straight and putting a hand on her hip. Fox then raised an eyebrow at her waiting for her to continue. "You come here a all the time, and when you do you always get the same cup of coffee. Fox, right?" She questioned. "Yeah, how'd you know?" "I'm the one writing your name on every cup of coffee you get." She stated as if it was obvious. Fox rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Right, I should've known." He said. Coco took a moment to examine Fox's facial features. She then noticed the vertical scar on his lips. She thought carefully and decided that now's not the time to ask about it. She had something else in mind. After a brief moment of silence she decided to fulfil his order and put her plan into play. "Do you want the coffee as a medium?" She asked. "Yes." Fox simply responded. Coco then pressed a few buttons on the cash register. "Your total is $3.89." She said. Fox handed her the money and then she gave him his change and receipt. Coco then walked over to her station and began to make the coffee, not without taking note of Fox putting his change in the nearby tip jar.
While she's doing that, Yang comes out of the kitchen and let's out an exhausted sigh. She glanced over at Coco as she's walking by and see that she's just about done writing the name of whoever ordered a coffee. Yang smirked when she took notice of what Coco was writing under the name. When Yang returned to her station at the cash register she eyed the person standing across from her. "Hey Fox, how've you been and are those contacts?!" She asked with a wide eyes, referring to Fox's pale blue contacts. "I've been alright and yeah, got them a few days ago, do you like them?" Fox then batted his eyes jokingly which got a giggle from Yang. A cup of coffee with Fox's name on it was then placed on the counter next to Yang, along with two donuts. "Here's your stuff, I'll see you tomorrow I'm guessing?" She asked with a smirk telling Fox that she already knew the answer. "Most likely, I'll be here for lunch though if so." Fox replied while grabbing his food and coffee from Yang. "Great! Well, it was nice seeing you." Yang said. Fox smiled. "Nice seeing you too Yang, see you tomorrow." Fox then turned to leave but before he did he heard Yang call his name out. Fox turned back to see what she wanted with a raised eyebrow. "Enjoy your coffee~" she cooed, wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive way. Fox gave her an unsure nod and walked out of the building.
As he began walking he grew suspicious and took the lid off and looked inside of the coffee cup, finding nothing but coffee. He tasted it and found that it tasted normal. He looked at the cup expectingly and saw nothing out of the ordinary. That is until he noticed his thumb covering a combination of numbers, when he moved his thumb to the side he saw what looked to be a scroll number under his name. Under the numbers there was a short message that read 'Call me sometime' with a small heart next to it. Fox couldn't help but stop walking and stare at the cup disbelief. After reading it over a few times, words finally escape his mouth in a whisper.
"...Oh my Oum..."
Ayy guys, sorry if this was painful to read, like I said in the description, this is my first time writing something like this so it might not be so good. Anyway I do hope you enjoyed, if the book does well then I'll try making one more chapter but until then I'll try to work on my other books. Welp, I'll leave you guys with this, it's a little bit of backstory on how Fox and Yang met.
______________________________Fox has known Yang since High school. Some people would bully him for how his eyes were white and had no pupils back then. After three months of bullying he decides that today is the day to stand up for himself and confronted one of the boys that has been physically inflicting pain on him. On that day during lunch Fox had just bought his food and was looking for somewhere to sit when suddenly his lunch tray was flipped onto his shirt, staining his white T-shirt with spaghetti sauce and a few stray noodles. He looked to his side to see Cardin Winchester with a smug grin plastered on his face. "How'd you not see me, oh wait." He then proceeded to poke Fox in his eyes, causing them to water. "Aww, are you crying?" He teased. People shifted their attention to Cardin and Fox, most feeling bad for Fox and a few cheering for a fight. Fox's emotions got the best of him and he threw a punch towards Cardin who barely dodged it. He then begins laughing and starts to crack his knuckles. Cardin then picks Fox up by his shirt with one hand and throws fox on top of one of the tables face first, cutting open his lip and breaking his nose. Cardin then started to choke him, showing no mercy to prove that he's stronger. Fox then began to lose consciousness. His vision began to get blury but before he passed out from lack of oxygen he felt Cardin's grip around his neck release and saw a flash of yellow followed the sound of grunting. His vision slowly became more clear but he had a very painful headache as he sat up. When he looked around, everyone was giving him looks of concern. He then noticed Cardin sprawled out on the floor unconscious with the captain of the Boxing club standing above him. She then walks over to Fox to check up on him. She cringed at the sight of the blood dripping from his nose and mouth. Just then, Principal Ozpin walks into the cafeteria with an irritated scowl. He cleared his throat to gain everybody's attention to which it did. He saw an unconscious Cardin lying on the floor and Yang kneeling down beside a bruised and bloodied student. "Miss Xiao Long, please escort mister Alistair to the infirmary, I'll ask questions later." He ordered. Yang nodded and effortlessly lifted the boy off of the floor and carried him bridal style to the infirmary. "T-thank you." Fox said in a raspy voice. "That asshole deserved it." She stated fiercely as her eyes flashed red for a moment. Fox looked to the ground before speaking again. "What's your name?" Fox asked, unsure if this was a good time to get acquainted with each other. "Yang, yours?" She asked back. "Fox." He stated. The rest of the way to the infirmary was silent. Once they made it to their destination, Yang let Fox stand up on his own and made sure that the nurses had everything under control before turning to leave to talk with principal Ozpin.
Josh, out!