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Artemis pov

 I walked into throne room and saw that there were only two gods sitting .I walked to uncle Hades and aunt Hestia and bowed. Uncle H said "What is the purpose of my favorite niece for this visit".

I said "uncle H can you call the council meeting, its about PER.... CY"

"Anything for my favorite nephew, by the way they will not like my way of calling them"

Hades called the shadows and sent them to different palaces and in a few moments all the gods came one by one freaked out of themselves to see shadows talking."

Dad came in and boomed "What in your name, hade that is a spooky way of calling us for meeting".

"Please refrain from using my name as curses; it really hurts in my ears"


Uncle p came in walking through the door, at first I thought if it was an unknown person till I saw a trident in his hands. His face was 100 years old, wrinkles on it and his eyes out of peace and were Grey .His face that always carries a grin was unhappy and sad. He quietly walked up to his thrown and sat down.

Dad asked "okay daughter, what is the reason behind this meeting."

"Father, Lord Poseidon, It's about Percy" I said looking down on the ground.

Uncle p became happy and confused and asked "Where is he , is he okay "


Percy's pov

I woke up in some place and as I tried to open my eyes I saw bright lights and shielded my eyes with my eyes hand .Then came a voice "Oh you are awake".it was Apollo . " why could u not let me die peacefully" I spoke."What have you gone mad ,How can I leave my favorite cuz .besides Artemis forced me to heal u or I would join a former Olympus healer in tartarus ". 'Why do you still like me when everyone hates me ". "Cuz you need to give some explanations and as you are awake you better dress up and follow me to the throne room before your father blames it on my sis for killing you as she is taking the blame of capturing you" "What ,it was not her fault. I killed myself"."Dude you better hurry and explain it to the council and wear a shirt ".I looked down and saw that I did not had a shirt and my chest was bandaged and was going to touch it. "Don't touch it; I saved you from house of Hades. "I was not"." you were, I am god of truth, remember"


Artemis pov

"What is it my niece" Uncle p asked.

"Lord Poseidon, I accidentally killed him"

"You what, You don't like him but should have not killed him , I am going to destroy you"

Before anyone could react Percy came to rescue and shouted " dad stop, its not her fault "

Uncle p looked from me to Him and then ran to him and hugged him until Apollo interrupted "uncle p don't do that his stitches will open"


"Percy I think you need to explain" said Apollo.

All gods sat on their thrones and looked at the battered condition of Percy .Then Poseidon asked him "Son what happened "

He bowed to all of us and said "lord Zeus in have I have a wish "

"Anything for our hero"

"I want to die"