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"Shorty, where you at? I'm outside

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"Shorty, where you at? I'm outside."

"Fuck, I fell asleep. My bad." She groaned, I could hear her getting up from the bed creaking.

"You good, come open the door." I chuckled before hanging up the phone, I didn't know if I was nervous or excited but my heart was racing, it seemed to alway do that when I got Aaliyah.

She opened the door and of course she looked beautiful, her perfect curvy body was exposed by the leggings that were hugging her body, and a simple white t shirt, instead of her hair usually put up in a bun or ponytail, it was out and wild, and she never looked more beautiful.

"You just gone stand there and look at me or you gonna come in?" She chuckled, I snapped out my daze and smiled coming in. "Um. My parents are out for the night, and maki is over at Chris's."

"I thought they were broken up for good?" I questioned as we walked into the kitchen, I made myself comfortable on the stool that was hovering a little over the island.

"Me too." She shrugged, she opened the fridge and pulled out a cheese pizza. "I know I said that I was going to cook for us, but I'm really not up for it."

"That's cool, maybe I could cook for us instead?" I rose my brow, she looked at me before busting out into laughter. "What?"

"You cook roman?" She giggled hopping on the counter. I nodded my head. "That's a shock."

"There's a lot of things you have no clue about me." I stood up pulling off my sweatshirt leaving me in just a black shirt and my joggers. "Where the pans at?"

She pointed to the lower cabinet where all the pans laid at. "Great."

I started to get out all the ingredients for the meal that I had planned out, she sat on the counter watching me, I looked at her and she smirked. "What?"

"Nothing." I laughed turning the stove on, she hopped off the counter and went off somewhere but she soon came back.

She had a blunt in her hand and the lighter in the other, another thing I liked about Aaliyah.

We both smoked to hide all the pain we going through.


"You really got me fucked up Chris, you and this bitch

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"You really got me fucked up Chris, you and this bitch." Maki spat glaring at the both of us.

I texted maki earlier a long paragraph about how much I loved her, and I wanted to get back together with her, but I didn't think she was just gone pop up at my house.

"Who you calling a bitch?" Nomei chuckled getting up off the bed.

"Ho don't try it. I will beat yo ass." She smirked, I sighed and stood up, we all know that maki will win in every fight. She was small but she got hands.

"Bitch wassup?"

Maki sat her stuff down and ran up on her, she snatched her by her hair and started beating her ass. I went over there and grabbed maki up, I carried her little ass out of the room.

"Chris you got me fucked up that's on my moma, you ain't shit nigga!" She shouted as I dodged the hits that she was throwing at me. "You don't fucking love me if you over here fucking that bitch!"

"She don't mean shit to me, I don't want her, I want you. I wasn't fucking with no other bitch, I only wanna fuck with you maki." I sighed as I grabbed both of her arms to keep her from swinging at me. "You gotta believe me."

She was heavy breathing and she was shaking, I knew she was gonna cry cause her bottom lip started to tremble.

"I hate you. I hate you Chris." She sobbed, I pulled her into a hug and let her sob into my chest. I really did feel her and I was gonna do better no matter what. "I hate you."

I wrapped both of my arms around her. "Go in the living room, Imma go kick her out and then we can talk alright?"

She nodded and went into the living room. I went back upstairs and seen noemi was already getting ready to leave. "Bye."

"Bye." I scoffed watching her walk down the stairs and leave, her petty ass being sure to slam my damn door. "Bitch."

I fixed my room up and sprayed some air fresher before going back downstairs. "Maki?"

I walked into the living room and saw that she was gone, the back door was open. I sighed, she must have left. I don't blame her I would have left too.

I picked up my phone and called her number. I hear a distance ring coming from upstairs, I rolled my eyes and forgot she left her phone upstairs.

I called Aaliyah but it just went straight to voicemail.



I had so many emotions going through my head, I could barley think straight

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I had so many emotions going through my head, I could barley think straight. I couldn't stay at Chris's house, not after what happened. I couldn't stop thinking about all this shit, the incest whole thing with my dad, Aaliyah who couldn't stop smoking and now Chris lying to me and me believing his ass over and over again.

A lot of things were racing through my mind as I drove back home, i didn't know if I should be driving or not but I needed to be alone and I needed to figure this shit out.

I searched for my phone but then forgot that I left it back over at Chris's, I had no other choice but too go back. I swerved the car and all I saw was bright headlights.

"Oh shit!" I said right before I served the car and the car must have flipped three or two times.

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