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"Will, are you there" the voice of Tony Stark came from my phone. It was garbled, and based on his tone, it sounded like he was in trouble.

"What do you need, Stark" I asked.

"We're in trouble. Come to the Raft" he was cut off.

"Shit" I muttered to myself. If Tony Stark was asking for my help, then the Avengers were in big trouble. I grabbed my suit, and Steve's shield, and headed out the door. I drove to the nearest SHIELD headquarters.

"Will, what are you doing here" Coulson asked.

"Tony Stark called me, he needs my help. I need a jet".

"Wait, Stark asked for your help".

"He said something about the Raft, and the signal was cut off. I have a bad feeling about this. Can you help me or not".

"We can drop you off, but you're on your own after that. SHIELD is already in enough trouble with the government".

"All I needed was a ride" I got in the jet.

"So why are you helping the Avengers again" May asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's because Tony asked for my help. He's never done that, so I know something's up" the rest of the flight was silent. I was dropped on top of the Raft. I used my powers to open a hatch, disable the security cameras, and crawl in through the vents. I snuck into the control room to take out the guards.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into" I muttered as I ran to the cells.

"Will, what the hell is going on. Are you just an illusion" it was Sam Wilson. He looked shocked to see me in person.

"I'm really here, it shocked me too, and what happened to you" I asked, busting the control pad with the shield.

"The government arrested us for opposing the new inhuman registration act" he answered. It was funny how things had changed. This time, it was Tony getting arrested for going against a government act.

"Who all is here".

"Me, Natasha, Scott, and Tony".

"What about Steve" I asked cautiously, praying that I wouldn't have to face my father.

"He must be in the infirmary, he got hit pretty bad. What are you even doing here".

"Tony called me. I figured you must be in trouble if Tony was calling for my help" we ran to look for the others.

"The shield suits you" he commented.

"Let's just find the others so I can get back to my life" if I got caught here, then I would be arrested for sure.

"Will" we found Natasha next. She seemed equally as surprised as Sam.

"Hey Nat" I busted the lock "you two go find Scott. I'll go look for Tony".

I ran through the halls until I came to a room with a single cell. I took out the guards and went in.

"So you got my message" Tony said "it's good to see you, Will".

I held back a laugh. It was funny seeing the great Tony Stark behind bars. "It's not so funny when you're on the other side of the bars" I crossed my arms and halted at him.

"Yeah, and I don't like it, so get me out of here".

"You couldn't get out of here yourself" I asked.

"If I could, then you wouldn't be here".

"Where's Steve".

"Follow me" Tony had designed this place, so he had memorized the layout. We stopped in the infirmary. Steve was chained down to a bed. I entered the room cautiously. Scott, Sam, and Natasha showed up a few seconds after we had.

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