So... your probably not wondering why I have a bunch of periods and a meme say I Am Dead Inside.
Wellllllll I'm gonna tell you anyway!
I have been reading this Zane x Reader by an amazing writer by the name of Vulpixal, and well....I'm not gonna spoil it for you but, the last chapter has literally just gutted my emotions from the inside out. I think I need therapy. I do any ways, but at this point I need extensive help. XD
But...yea...go read her book to find out why I am like this!!!! UGH! But it is really an amazing book. I know I really enjoy it and in every chapter your emotions turn into liquid and go down the drain of pain!!!
But other than that! I have been going on bike rides, eating, reading, updating, reading, reading, sleeping, reading, reading, reading... AND I GOT A NEW BABY KITTEN!!!! I also fell off my bike and cut my knee, I stubbed my toe, and yeah..... you get the drift....
BUT! BUT! BUT! BUT! I saw Aphmaus new episode of mystreet and I just freaking exploded!!!!! XE^YUBEIUCXU^RYUIOPID9
And I saw this!!!
I LOVE THIS VIDEO! I am a sucker for animation!
Go and check out my Rap Hamster Petlover1116!!! She is awesome and has been with me threw thick and thin! She is one of the greatest people I have ever met! She helps me with all my problems big or small and she deserves a big THANK YOU!!!
Have a good whatever time it is and as always!

My Life In A Book
Non-FictionI'm nothing special. Same old teenage girl. Just like everyone else, another face in a crowd.